10 Things In Your Home That You Are Not Cleaning Enough

Maintaining proper hygiene in the home does not necessarily mean that everything gleams and glows. However, if you are not cleaning enough at some key points, bacteria are likely to proliferate. Read the following list and see if you clean your home properly.

At the risk of feeding some obsessions, it must be said that a few different bacteria live in the houses. In fact, it is believed that there are a few million of these tiny pests that live with the humans in the house on a day-to-day basis. Where are they found? Surely, in these elements that we describe below.

Are you cleaning these 10 corners of your house enough?

Hand cleaning the hob

  • Scourer: First of all, do not invest too much in a scourer with the intention that it will last you several weeks. This element where humidity never ceases is a potential habitat for a large number of germs. Therefore, the ideal is that every so often you discard the old one and release a new one.
    • Shower curtains: the ideal frequency to clean this element is 15 days. As it can be quite tedious work, it is best to put them in the washing machine with warm water and some towels. To remove fungi, bicarbonate in interaction with vinegar are perfect. 
    • Toilet : Although it may surprise you, your computer and other appliances may be more contaminated than your beloved toilet. This does not mean that it should not be cleaned every seven days, at a minimum. A tip: lower the lid when pulling the chain, so that the dirt stays inside.
    • Towels: to know if you are cleaning the corners of your house enough, ask yourself how often you wash your towels. Like clothes or sheets, dead cells cling to them, which is a plowed field for bacteria and germs. So it is best not to leave them in use for more than three days.
    • Other objects in the bathroom: it may not be redundant to clarify that in the bathroom you will have to maintain the cleanliness of all the components. Starting with the tiles, if you dry them every time you shower, the accumulation of dirt will be less. In addition, soap dishes, glasses and mirrors and, in general, all surfaces must be rinsed.

      Other items and places for specific cleaning

      Vacuuming the floor

      • Sheets : even if you bathe or shower every day, you should not use the sheets for more than a week. You have to think that the skin gives off dead cells every night. Although they can be vacuumed every day, putting them in the washing machine with warm water and laundry soap ensures proper cleaning. 
      • Floors: the cleanliness of the floors is relative. There are rooms with more or less traffic, there are or are not pets that shed hair, there are days of rain and humidity that make more dirt, etc. In common areas, a deep cleaning should not wait more than a week.
      • Doors and keys: do not think too much about the amount of bacteria that can be on these objects in the house. If you are not cleaning enough, we assure you that there are several colonies of germs settled there. A powerful disinfectant is medicinal alcohol .
      • Switches: getting home and turning on the light are one thing. In that simple action, you are leaving a lot of dirt stuck to the switch. In this way, the same medicinal alcohol that you use for the keys and the doorknob, you can use it on the switches . Another powerful cleaner is vinegar. 
      • Computer, mouse, remote control, mobile phone: at this point in the article you will understand that wherever your fingers land you can leave bacteria, germs or fungi or, what would be worse, receive them. Here, we also recommend alcohol at least once a week.

      Lastly, remember that furniture, rugs, and upholstery also need frequent vacuuming. Although it would be an excess to clean every day, it is true that if you are not cleaning enough you open the door to the entry of germs.

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