3 Homemade Shakes For Fluid Retention

The body is made up largely of water, that is, liquids. In this sense, it is important to you that the body purifies the excess stored regularly. Meet these 3 homemade shakes for fluid retention that we bring next, so you can try them and enjoy their benefits.

Fluid retention can be very serious if it is not treated properly. Therefore, first of all, you should go to a specialist doctor to be able to determine what the condition is and how it should be treated.

However, as a complementary measure, we can always improve our lifestyle habits, including food.

If we consume food and drinks that help us eliminate toxins and cleanse the body properly, we will contribute to our early improvement. Therefore, it is important to consider how our diet is if fluid retention is suspected. To begin with, we can evaluate our consumption of fruits rich in water. 

Now, to prepare homemade shakes for fluid retention you just need to be willing to expand our nutritional panorama, try combinations and above all, go beyond the color and appearance of various foods.

What interests us is to achieve pleasant flavors that also include benefits for the body.

Homemade smoothies for fluid retention

When it comes to fighting fluid retention with homemade smoothies, it is convenient to use fruits and vegetables with diuretic properties. What does diuretic mean? Well, they are substances that increase urine production.

Although they can be found in the form of medicines, some foods have these qualities and help with mild cases of water retention. Specifically, they help deflate the legs, ankles, hands and other parts affected by this problem. Don’t stop trying them!

1. Homemade papaya and pineapple smoothie

Papaya and pineapple smoothie.  homemade smoothies for fluid retention

Remember that what these homemade shakes do is precisely accelerate the natural process of expelling fluids from the body. In other words, they work as diuretics. Drinks that make you go to the bathroom more often and do not retain too much liquid, only the essentials.

So, they are very useful to prevent common infectious diseases caused by high levels of sodium (do not forget that it is due to sodium that liquids are retained). These contain high values ​​of vitamins, proteins and minerals.


  • 3 slices of pineapple (125 g).
  • 2 cups of water (220 mL).
  • 4 slices of papaya (200 g).
  • 1 tablespoon of flax seeds (optional) (25 g).


  • Start with removing all the seeds that the papaya slices contain, cut them into pieces and proceed to place them in a blender with the other pineapple slices, the flax seeds and the water.
  • Make sure to beat everything for 1 minute.
  • You will notice that you have a thick shake, do not go to strain. Take it as it is and that’s it.

    2. Pineapple and green tea smoothie

    As you can deduce below, almost all homemade shakes for fluid retention contain the ingredient “pineapple” as a key element, which when mixed with others. In this case: green tea, they maximize the properties and eliminate excess fluid in the body.

    Specifically, the enzyme that makes this possible is known as bromelain, which has a diuretic effect on the body and also has anti-inflammatory and digestive properties. Know the steps you have to do to do it yourself.


    • 6 whole strawberries (40 g).
    • 3 slices of pineapple (100 g).
    • 1 tablespoon with flax seed (25 g).
    • 1 cup with ready-made green tea (110 mL).


    • It is very simple! You just have to place all the ingredients in the blender and start beating for 1 minute at medium speed.
    • Finally, serve in a glass, add some ice (as you prefer) and voila.

      3. Homemade watermelon smoothie

      The 3 secret benefits of watermelon.

      Watermelon is, together with pineapple, considered one of the fruits with the highest diuretic incidence. And it is not due to a “miracle” or “fantastic” component, but mainly because it is made of up to 75% water. Which results in urination.

      In addition, it is extremely simple to prepare and you can consume it daily, as many times as you want. Even eating the fruit on its own is already quite beneficial.


      • 5 slices of watermelon (400 g).
      • 8 cups of water (900 mL).
      • 1 tablespoon of sugar (25 g).


      • First of all, you should have a blender on hand.
      • Since the watermelon slices are quite large, you will have to cut them a bit and then put them in the blender.
      • From then on, it only remains to add the tablespoon of sugar and blend everything for 1 minute.
      • To finish, with the help of a strainer make sure you leave the seeds behind and that’s it. You can now enjoy your delicious mix.

      If you want to try more homemade smoothies for fluid retention, feel free to mix some of the ingredients that you have already seen here with others such as green tea.

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