3 Tips To Fight The Problem Of Mental Fatigue

Who has never suffered from mental fatigue? Mental fatigue manifests itself as a potentially impaired cognitive function and is one of the most significant causes of accidents in modern society. It is that fatigue that prevents us from concentrating or being able to function normally and that causes a headache or exhaustion to appear.

How to beat it? Don’t worry, we give you some keys that could help you. Take note and put them into practice to improve your health and quality of life!

Causes of mental fatigue

When someone tells us that they are tired, we usually immediately think that they have exerted great physical effort. But … what happens when what we feel is mental exhaustion?

It is another more complex dimension. Physical fatigue can be combined, along with tension, day-to-day problems, stress, some certain problems and even a poor diet that is weakening us without our realizing it.

Keep in mind that fatigue can become chronic and can sometimes be irreversible. Therefore, it is important to identify the risk factors for chronic fatigue and see a professional in the event that we need medical help to overcome it.

These are some of the causes for which mental fatigue manifests itself:

  • Many hours of work.
  • Lack of a good night’s rest.
  • Presence of abnormal substances in our workspace, or bad ergonomics: high or low ventilation, bad smells, low light, an uncomfortable posture when working, bad seats or computers that affect our eyes, etc.
  • Digestive disorders: hunger, difficult digestion, etc.
  • Emotional disturbances: problems at home or at work, for example.
  • Poor nutrition
  • Little time to dedicate ourselves.

Practical tips to avoid mental fatigue

1. Set times

Mental fatigue

After an intense day of work, when you get home you have the responsibility of some children, a house, a family. Or maybe you don’t have any responsibility. But there come times when all these obligations can become a great mountain and we feel blocked.

So that this does not happen and that mental fatigue does not prevent us one day from getting out of bed or facing the world, it is essential that you establish times: times of obligations and times for yourself.

Having at least two hours a day for yourself is essential. A moment of time to rest and think about your things, your projects, think about the present you have now and how you could improve it.

Take some time to go for a walk, enjoy with friends, take a relaxing bath. An instant also of needed solitude where to talk to you, love you, relax …

2. The importance of a good diet

good nutrition

It may surprise you, but our brains need great energy to function well throughout the day. Hence, for example, if we are following a very rigorous diet, we feel dips, lack of energy and mental fatigue. You must take this into account and make a diet that adapts to your needs and gives you the nutrients that your body needs.

It is recommended that you go to a nutritionist to advise you on the most recommended foods to prevent mental fatigue. In addition, it is essential that you eat breakfast, even if you are not hungry. The ideal is to have a complete and balanced breakfast, which gives you enough energy to face the day.

It is also very suitable that you eat something every two or three hours: a few nuts, hazelnuts, some piece of fruit, etc. Nuts give us a lot of energy and vitality.

As for suitable meals to be able to prepare, it is ideal, for example, to consume: tuna, salmon, asparagus, brown rice, tomatoes, all green leafy vegetables, aubergines and meats that are lean.

Remember also to stay hydrated, and drink enough water during the day.

3. Keys to strengthen your mood and your motivation

Mental fatigue also has a lot to do with our day-to- day motivation and is related to anxiety and depression. With those little things that in the end, they end up building “big problems”.

Problems at work, some family disagreement, daily obligations … In short, little time for us and few moments in which to enjoy.

But changes cannot be made suddenly from today to tomorrow, so we will start small. Set an easy goal to achieve today : after work you take half an hour for yourself.

  • To have a coffee in a cafeteria, to buy a book or even a diary to start writing down your thoughts. A simple thing to achieve.

Tomorrow, for example, consider solving something: say no to something or someone that bothers you. Eliminate what you don’t like. Tell someone a truth … all this will help us to lighten mental burdens, those that cause us not only blockages but also mental fatigue.

We must avoid mental fatigue, so start to value yourself a little more, to set limits, to eat better, to find leisure time for yourself. Happiness is built day by day and we all deserve to have it.

Finally, if you feel these symptoms of fatigue and they become constant, do not hesitate to see your doctor. He will be the one who will have to do the necessary tests for a diagnosis.

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