4 Effective Ways To Relax When You Get Home

The body needs to relax, for this there are many very simple procedures and treatments to perform.

Stress, anxiety, and nerves tighten the muscles in our neck and shoulders. The obligations of each day usually take their toll on us, both physically and mentally.

It is therefore essential that we learn to relax, to “lose weight.” We explain it to you.

The need to relax and unwind

When you get home you have many other obligations: the children, the house, in addition to organizing the work for the next day.

It is difficult, without a doubt, but we have to bear in mind that if we “don’t download”, if we don’t find even an hour for ourselves, all this will cause even more tensions to accumulate.

Tensions that day by day, week by week, will translate into real problems that we will have to deal with.

  • Muscle overloads.
  • Contractures.
  • An excess of stress in our body that can translate into pathologies such as hypertension or other cardiovascular problems.
  • Not counting, of course, the feeling of not enjoying our time.

Physical and mental overloads are a risk to our health.  Hence, to avoid any possible long-term problems, we must bring about change.

  1. Learn to relax
  2. Establish rest guidelines for ourselves. Sometimes just two hours a day is enough.

5 easy ways to rest at home

1. How to improve your circulation and breathing

How to relax

This simple exercise only requires you to have twenty minutes. When you get home, the first thing you should do is take off your shoes, in addition to putting on comfortable clothes.

It is also essential that you put aside your problems and your pressures of the day. Ideally, establish a clear separation between work and home.

  1. Now what we will do is sit on the sofa, if you can lie down much better.
  2. Next, we have to put our legs up, so that they are about two feet higher than the body.
  3. Put your right hand on your chest and feel your breath little by little, feel how it swells, and then let the air go through your mouth.

Too easy. What do we achieve with this simple exercise? Pace our breathing, normalizing the heartbeat, while helping to rest the legs and allow the blood to flow more adequately.

Don’t forget, it is a very effective way to relax.

2. Relaxing infusion


Only half an hour, you don’t need more. Walking at a fast pace enjoying the outdoors, yourself and also exercising your body is a more than perfect way to release tension and eliminate that harmful stress that is stored in our body.

The best time to go out for a walk is in the middle of the afternoon or early in the morning, when it is not excessively hot and the temperature is warm.

One way to take seriously the need to go out for a walk is to buy suitable shoes with which the foot is well supported, and also comfortable clothes that offer us ease of movement.

If you walk with a friend or even your partner, it will be much better. But remember, go out for a half hour walk:

  • Burns tensions.
  • Free the mind.
  • Take care of our cardiovascular health.
  • It stands as a healthy and basic way to relax.

4. How about we end the day with a relaxing bath?

Relaxing bath relax

We have arrived from work, we have taken care of the children, we have finished dinner and we are ready to go to bed , what could be better than a relaxing bath? It is wonderful.

At night a hot bath is very suitable. Remember that a small massage with rosemary essential oil can help you relax.

  • Rosemary improves your circulation and exerts a sedative effect that will take care of and relax your muscles, helping you to rest better.
  • Remember also that massages should be from the bottom up. For example, go exerting pressure from your ankles to your knees, from your knees to your muscles.
  • A pleasant half-hour bath and you will end the day in the best way, do not hesitate.

Relaxing is part of an essential need of our mind and also of our body, listen to yourself and take care of yourself. Worth.

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