5 Fad Diets That Put Your Health At Risk

To lose weight, one uses fad diets that are quite dangerous for health. We show you below 5 types of unhealthy diets.

For aesthetic and health reasons, many people feel the need to adopt a diet to lose weight. It is true that this process depends on many factors; however, diet is one of the key aspects to achieve this. The problem is that most turn to fad diets.

In the effort to achieve a satisfactory change in a short time, some decide to adopt strict and restrictive plans that, although they allow to lose kilos in a matter of days, over time can produce unwanted reactions in the body.

The most worrying thing is that the importance of balanced eating continues to be ignored and, despite the risks, thousands of people are carried away by these regimes that are nothing more than fads. What are the most popular? Why should they be avoided? This time we have compiled 5 types of diets that can be harmful to health.

Fad diets that can be dangerous

Most of the diets that we will discuss below have been recommended as definitive solutions to many problems of overweight and muscle definition. Based on what the science says, we will briefly describe the benefits and risks of each.

1. Grapefruit or grapefruit diet

Fad diets can be too restrictive.

Grapefruit (or grapefruit) is a delicious citrus fruit that gained fame for its ability to promote weight loss. It is very low in calories and contains essential nutrients that support both the digestive process and metabolism.

Despite these qualities, the grapefruit diet has been positioned as one of the most dangerous fad diets, since the plan involves a significant reduction in calories and essential nutrients.

It consists of consuming only grapefruit for 3 days a week. Of course, it allows you to lose weight in a notorious way, although with many risks.

This diet can cause:

  • Feeling of fatigue and dizziness.
  • Episodes of anxiety
  • Digestive disorders and diarrhea.
  • Severe nutritional deficiencies.

As you can see, restrictive diets tend to have greater risks than health benefits. Although the initial results may be promising, in the long term they become a problem.

2. Fasting diet

The fasting diet has gained a lot of fame in recent years and, in fact, there is a documentary and book about it. It was created by Dr. Michael Mosley and it is one of the plans that help achieve quick results.

Its main characteristic is that it introduces a very long period without eating food. Intermittent fasting can have benefits, when done in a controlled manner. However, restrictions in the consumption of food for more than 2 days could lead to a destruction of muscle mass, a situation that is not recommended for health.

Before starting intermittent fasting, consult a specialist. This will recommend how to do it safely to take advantage of its benefits.

3. Strict vegan diet

In recent decades, vegan fad diets have taken a lot of steam. Although for many it is a lifestyle, others consider them the best method to lose weight in a short time.

Organic fruits and vegetables are the best allies of diets, that cannot be denied. However, since there must be a balance with other foods, some of these plans can be very dangerous.

By completely eliminating animal foods, the vegan diet lacks vitamin B12 which is necessary for neural development. Those who adopt it should consider taking a supplement. Otherwise they could develop problems like anemia, according to research published in the journal  American Family Physician.

On the other hand, it is necessary to increase the consumption of some sources of protein . There are many plant foods that can provide this nutrient in fair amounts.

A poorly planned vegan diet can cause the following:

  • Poor absorption of essential minerals.
  • Digestive difficulties
  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Loss of muscle mass.
  • Feeling of fatigue

For this reason, it is recommended that vegans go regularly with a trusted nutritionist. This will make the pertinent recommendations for each case.

Fad diets can cause some diseases.

4. Egg diet

In the popular egg diet, the consumption of 6 servings of eggs a day is suggested, accompanied only with garnishes of fruits and vegetables.

We know that eggs are a healthy food that can provide many of the essential nutrients; Despite this, this diet can be harmful, since it does not meet the characteristics of a balanced diet.

Maintaining this diet can cause the following symptoms:

  • Nutritional imbalances and deficiencies.
  • Weakness or lethargy
  • Constipation and bad breath
  • Rebound effect.

Any healthy diet is based on variety. Food restriction does not usually work well to improve health.

5. Atkins diet

The main characteristic of this diet is that it eliminates the group of carbohydrates and sugars, to be based on the free intake of protein and fat.

The body, by depleting its sources of glycogen, begins to use these nutrients as a source of energy. This produces a concentration of ketone bodies that, although they allow weight loss, could deteriorate the health of important organs.

Its consequences include the following:

  • Metabolic disturbances
  • Excess uric acid.
  • Impaired liver and kidney functions.

In any case, this restrictive diet has application frameworks in which it is effective. An example is patients with epilepsy who do not respond to drug treatment. According to the latest research, restricting carbohydrate intake in these situations can reduce the number of seizures suffered.

Fad diets can deteriorate health

Choosing these fad diets can make weight loss easier; However, before adopting any, it is essential to consider its negative effects and current health status. The best way to achieve a healthy and balanced weight is with a balanced diet and physical exercise.

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