5 Important Things You Didn’t Know Before You Were A Mom

“There are many things I didn’t know before I was a mom.” How many times have we heard it from mothers who already have their babies in their arms? This exciting journey of life holds many surprises for which, in some cases, we would have liked to be prepared.

In this article we share the things you didn’t know before you were a mom and that only experience allows you to know. Although each woman and each experience is unique, we all also have many points in common.

5 things you didn’t know before you were a mom

1. You will have to forgive many things

First of all, before you become a mother, you have a very superficial idea of ​​motherhood. As much as they tell you, you can never know what it means until you experience it in the first person. Because each case is unique and you are going to write your own story.

Even if you learn all the manuals and listen to all the advice, the day to day will show you that you will have to let yourself be guided above all by your instinct. You will have to forgive many things with which you will not be able to fulfill as you expected.

Not all mothers have love at first sight for their baby. The link sometimes takes longer to create. But don’t blame yourself, because the important thing is that you follow your natural rhythm.

2. The couple’s relationship will change

Couple with a son

Second, it is inevitable that the relationship between the couple will change with the arrival of children. However, the change does not have to be for the worse, but it is in our hands to direct this new stage so that it is positive for the whole family.

Before becoming a mother, life revolves around the couple and family and work issues, etc. But after birth, all the attention turns to the newborn, since it requires care 24 hours a day. And until you live it, you are not aware of how much it is.

Hormonal changes, fatigue, sleep, stress, worries, decision-making… All are tests for the couple, who must face this great change with patience, affection and a great sense of teamwork. In addition to trying to maintain the treasure of intimacy and romance.

3. Begin pelvic floor work before becoming a mother

Of all the recommendations you will hear, do not underestimate the ones that have to do with the pelvic floor. Your quality of life will depend, to a large extent, on this part of your body that you may not have heard before.

The ideal is to know the exercises in advance. In fact, much better if you learn them before pregnancy. Awareness of the pelvic floor is increasingly urgent, especially for young girls who already suffer small urine losses. For example, when sneezing or laughing. So take it seriously.

4. Getting pregnant is not always easy

Woman with a pregnancy test

Many women hope to achieve pregnancy in the first month. However, this happens in a low percentage of cases, but we do not know this until we start looking for information because we believe that we are not fertile.

Doctors recommend not worrying before trying for at least a year. However, if we want to facilitate conception, we can help ourselves with a calendar of fertile days and an ovulation test, as well as with a balanced and nutritious diet.

In addition, we can also carry out routine analyzes to detect possible deficiencies. However, the most important thing is to avoid anxiety and frustration, living this stage with hope and optimism. 

5. You will want to go back to the difficult days

Finally, surely many of the first days or weeks with your newborn will be much more intense than you imagined. And they will not always be accompanied by positive emotions.

However, in a few years you will remember them with great nostalgia and you will even want to live them again. You will understand that expression that “days are long but years are short.” Therefore, learn and enjoy every moment.

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