5 Remedies Against Tendonitis In The Achilles Heel

Both to prevent and to alleviate tendinitis it is essential that we use appropriate footwear that provides us with the necessary support, since, otherwise, we may have problems

Achilles tendonitis is inflammation of the heel . It is a problem that can cause a lot of discomfort and pain.  Its location makes it very difficult to carry out activities of daily life with little pain.

Our recommendation is that you give yourself the necessary time to deal with the problem. If your doctor asks you to take a few days off, comply with the indicated time.  

In addition to following the instructions of your doctor, you can resort to some of these remedies against tendonitis.

1. Apply the RICE method

The Spanish Federation of Hemophilia endorses the RICE method, a first aid technique that is divided into four steps:

1.1. Repose

Constant stress on the foot is often the cause of Achilles tendonitis. Therefore, you must be more aware of the time and effort with which you walk, jog or run. 

For a few days it is a good idea to put less stress and tension on them. Yes you can take a few days off it will be much better.

1.2. IceIce-melting

When giving the massage, start little by little, since at first it will be very painful. As the tendon feels more relaxed, you can massage harder for a longer lasting effect.  Then try to cover the area with a compression bandage or stocking.

3. Stop smoking

Smoking is one of the habits that most contributes to the deterioration of health, especially in what has to do with blood circulation. It is believed that s if you have Achilles tendonitis problems, quitting smoking will significantly improve the recovery process.

However, there is no scientific evidence to support that smoking could improve an injury such as tendonitis.

What is certain is that smoking is very dangerous and carries great risks to our health. Quitting smoking is not an easy task, but it will surely be worth the effort. According to this study carried out by the Castilla-La Mancha Health Service, many people have managed to quit smoking thanks to willpower, support and long-term goals.

4. Wear the right shoes

Achilles tendonitis will prevent you from walking properly. But that’s not all: wearing the wrong shoes can exacerbate the problem. 

To prevent this from happening, it is important that you make sure to wear a pair of shoes that gives you enough support. Avoid those They put constant stress on the tendon.

Also you should look for them to be soft on the sides, in the back and with a thick enough sole to avoid the need for extra support . If in doubt, ask your doctor directly.

Although it can be a bit cumbersome, it is beneficial for the feet. According to this study by the University of Barcelona, ​​which emphasizes the need to pay attention to footwear to avoid ailments, we must be aware of the pain that a bad shoe can cause us and the consequences that it can cause us, even when it comes to work footwear . 

5. Do stretches to warm up the Achilles heel areaLeave the academy without stretching

Perform stretching it is not exclusive to preparing for sports. The reality is that it is recommended to do them every morning.  Unexpected sprains, cramps, and tendonitis occur because you are not prepared to deal with the usual strain.

To avoid any discomfort from tendonitis, just do a short 15-minute stretching session. . Start small and try not to force the area.

Likewise, it is advised to avoid continuing to press when you feel pain as much as possible.  The last thing you want is to increase inflammation.

Constantly monitor the evolution of tendonitis

If the symptoms do not subside, you should make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. Doing nothing will only cause complications and more pain than necessary.

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