5 Remedies To Avoid Muscle Cramps

Muscle cramps occur when muscles contract involuntarily, the intake of magnesium prior to sports could reduce its incidence.

Do you want to avoid muscle cramps naturally? This condition occurs when one or more muscles contract suddenly and involuntarily. They often affect different muscle groups, triggering pain, tingling, and other discomforts.

The parts most affected are usually the lower leg in the back and front of the muscle. However, they can also occur on the abdominal wall and upper extremities. Symptoms can last a few seconds, but sometimes they last for up to 15 minutes.

Alternative remedies to avoid muscle cramps

There are many factors related to the appearance of muscle cramps; however, its main causes include muscle fatigue, dehydration, or uncontrolled levels of electrolytes in the body. Fortunately, we can turn to several remedies to avoid muscle cramps and their symptoms. Give them a try!

1. Chamomile essential oil

Chamomile essential oil to prevent muscle cramps

Chamomile is a plant with many applications when it comes to health. Thanks to its contribution of more than 36 flavonoids, it is an anti-inflammatory solution that can help prevent muscle spasms.

How to use?

  • Combine a part of chamomile essential oil with coconut or olive oil.
  • Next, apply a massage to the muscles affected by the spasms.
  • Do the therapy for 3-5 minutes and rest.

However, there are no scientific articles that show the effect of this remedy. It is a solution based on popular lore, of which its effectiveness is not precisely known. Remember that the best way to eliminate cramps is through proper prevention. The latter involves hydrating and replenishing minerals properly, as evidenced by a study published in the “Journal of Sport Rehabilitation”.

2. Magnesium supplements

When muscle spasms recur, it’s best to make sure you’re getting enough magnesium in your diet. This essential mineral plays a very important role in the function of muscles and nerves. Therefore, its deficiency can affect the appearance of spasms.

What should you do?

  • Take magnesium supplements prior to exercise.
  • Make sure you eat foods like bananas, almonds, legumes, and brown rice, which have significant magnesium content.

3. Cherry juice

Cherry juice

Drinking cherry juice can help prevent muscle cramps after high-impact physical activity. In fact, studies have shown that consuming this drink can minimize post-race pain. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties help relax muscles.

How to consume it?

  • Drink a glass of cherry juice after exercising or strenuous activities.
  • Take it once a day if cramps recurrently afflict you.

4. Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper contains an active substance known as capsaicin, which acts as a muscle relaxant. In fact, this substance helps reduce joint inflammation. For this reason, it is advised as a remedy to reduce pain in muscle spasms. However, it should be noted that more than a prevention method, it constitutes a possible remedy for the treatment of pain.

How to use it?

  • You can add pepper to foods like soups, stews, or meats.
  • You can also make a tea by adding a pinch of cayenne to hot water.
  • Finally, to relax your muscles, apply a massage with cayenne pepper oil or cream.

5. Cranberry juice

Cranberry juice

Another healthy drink to avoid muscle cramps and ailments is nothing more and nothing less than cranberry juice. Its essential nutrients help regulate electrolyte levels and fight inflammation.

How to consume it?

  • Prepare a glass of cranberry juice and consume it before and after high-impact exercise.
  • You can also take it in the afternoon to avoid night cramps.

When should you see the doctor?

Mild cases of muscle cramps do not need medical attention, as they appear sporadically, with symptoms that subside within minutes. However, on some occasions the problem becomes chronic, presenting itself constantly and intensely.

If so, it is essential to seek professional care, as it is sometimes the symptom of an underlying disease. Your doctor may suggest tests such as blood tests, electromyography, or myelography to determine if the cramps are associated with more careful muscle abnormalities.

Take care of your diet to prevent muscle cramps

You can try some alternative remedies to avoid muscle cramps. However, you must supplement its consumption with regular physical exercise and a good diet. In addition, you should drink plenty of water to ensure hydration of the body.

Finally, if the symptom is very intense or becomes too recurrent, it is best to go to the doctor. Although it does not always alert something serious, it may have an underlying cause that requires other types of treatment.

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