6 Factors That Influence The Increase In Cholesterol

Although there are some aspects of cholesterol that cannot be controlled, adopting certain habits and performing periodic check-ups would be essential to avoid major problems. Know the factors that influence the increase in their levels.

Cholesterol is a substance present in all cells of the body and necessary for the proper functioning of the entire body. However, an increase in its levels could represent serious health problems, and trigger a heart attack or stroke.

One of the problems with detecting this condition is that it does not produce any symptoms, so it is very common for many people to ignore it and ignore what the triggers of the increase in its levels may be. Next, we detail 6 factors that, in some way, influence this lack of control.

Factors that can influence the increase in cholesterol

Increased cholesterol, also known as hypercholesterolemia, is a condition that impairs cardiovascular health. The above, because the substance is retained in the walls of the arteries and this can contribute to the appearance of fatty deposits in the blood vessels.

As it is a condition that does not present symptoms, it is important to do periodic examinations, especially if you belong to the population at greatest risk. Within this group are people with obesity and diabetes problems. Also, those who smoke and do not follow a healthy diet.

Luckily, there are some habits that can be adopted, whether you suffer from this disease or want to prevent it. Learn more about the main risk factors and what you can do to include healthier practices in your daily routine.

1. Dietary habits

You consume fat and processed

Diet habits have a lot to do with the increase or control of cholesterol levels in the body. While the excessive consumption of fat and processed can cause a high accumulation of this substance, a diet rich in vegetables and healthy fats can facilitate its control.

According to a Mayo Clinic publication, eating saturated fat and trans fat, as well as red meat and whole dairy, could be one of the main factors in causing blood cholesterol levels to rise significantly.

For this reason, and in order to improve nutrition, it is essential to review which are the foods that are part of the daily diet and, of course, identify those that increase this lipid in the blood. Instead, it is advisable to increase the consumption of omega 3, vitamin E and essential amino acids.

2. Sedentary lifestyle

Leading a sedentary lifestyle is another of the main causes of the increase in bad cholesterol in the arteries. Inactivity reduces the body’s ability to transform fat sources into energy and thus leads to its retention.

In relation to this, a publication from the American Heart Association suggests that just 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise during the week is enough to lower both cholesterol and blood pressure. Some of the activities that you can practice are swimming, cycling or walking.

3. Overweight and obesity

People who are overweight and obese are more likely to have high blood cholesterol levels. This, because the accumulation of fat in the body could decrease the ability to remove this lipid from the arteries.

It is essential to continuously monitor body weight and, in case of excess, to adopt a healthy lifestyle that facilitates its control. In relation to this, a Heart UK publication , reducing at least 10% of the body mass index helps to prevent severe cardiovascular disorders.

4. Stress

Poor management of stress episodes can become a potential cause of high cholesterol and cardiovascular disease. In addition to affecting emotional health, this state can have effects on the processes that help the body remove lipid from the arteries.

According to an article from the University of Rochester Medical Center , high levels of cortisol, a hormone released during times of stress, can in the long term increase blood cholesterol, as well as triglycerides, sugar, and blood pressure.

Because of this, it is important to adopt relaxation techniques and breathing exercises. Also, you can include exercise in your daily routine, have a support group, seek professional help, and eat healthy foods that promote mental well-being and improve mood.

5. Excessive alcohol consumption


Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is a factor that is associated with the risk of hypercholesterolemia, since its toxins affect the functioning of the heart and liver. However, all liquors have different effects on cholesterol.

A Harvard TH Chan publication comparing the effects of beer and wine points out that the way the heart is affected depends on the amount consumed and not the type of alcohol chosen. For this reason, it is best to avoid exceeding its consumption.

6. Family history

One of the factors that cannot be overlooked as a cause of high cholesterol is family history or genetic background. A person whose family members have suffered from this disorder has a higher risk of suffering from it at some stage of their life.

This is known as familial hypercholesterolemia. As stated in another publication from the Mayo Clinic, the cause of this condition is a gene that is inherited through one or both parents. This prevents the body from getting rid of the cholesterol that accumulates in the arteries.

Therefore, a healthy lifestyle should be adopted from an early age, limiting external sources of cholesterol as much as possible. In addition, it should be followed up with regular medical check-ups, which help determine how serious the problem may be.

To avoid increasing cholesterol

Can you identify these causes of increased cholesterol? To avoid a bigger problem, it’s best to completely discard foods that contain it and find healthier options that contain healthy fats like avocado, nuts, and fish.

In addition to this, try to do physical activity at least 30 minutes a day and maintain healthy habits. Do not forget that if you think you may have high cholesterol or one of your parents suffers from this condition, it is best to consult your doctor and do a checkup.

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