6 Morning Mistakes Why You Can’t Lose Weight

Skipping breakfast or not making the right food choices first thing in the day can be one of the mistakes that is preventing us from achieving our ideal weight.

Morning habits play a very important role for those who are trying to lose weight in a healthy way. Although many tend to overlook it, those first practices of the day are decisive for having an optimal energy level and a good metabolic rate.

In fact, one of the reasons people have difficulty losing weight is because mistakes are made during these hours that interfere with the results of diet and exercise. 

For this reason it is essential to identify it and, of course, take the necessary measures to correct it before they become an obstacle.

Morning mistakes that keep you from losing weight

Below we want to share the main 6 in detail so that you do not hesitate to correct them from now on.

1. You sleep “5 more minutes”

To sleep

When waking up, it is common to feel that need to sleep “5 more minutes” to be able to get out of bed and feel active. However, it is a not so favorable habit to lose weight, especially if it lasts longer and longer.

Those minutes in which you sleep more could be used to have a good breakfast, or to do a little exercise. Even the ideal is to wake up 15 minutes earlier than usual, to put into practice a habit that helps improve the rate of metabolism. Of course, it is important to have a good quality of sleep, not less than 7 hours a day.

According to a study published in Obesity Reviews , too little or too much sleep can be associated with an increased risk of developing obesity.

2. You don’t hydrate the body

This is one of the most frequent errors and it is also one of those that generates the most negative impact. During the rest period the body uses fluids for many of its processes and, for this reason, upon waking there is a certain degree of dehydration.

  • Drinking water in the morning, right after getting out of bed, has been shown to help rehydrate the body so it can function smoothly throughout the day.
  • The benefits are greater if you add lemon juice or a cleansing plant.

3. You don’t eat a good breakfast

Skipping breakfast or any main meal

Not spending enough time to eat a good breakfast is the main reason why the diet fails when it comes to losing weight. This first meal is essential to maintain a good functioning of the metabolism and, in addition, it is the one that provides the body with energy.

Replacing breakfast with a coffee with cookies slows down the metabolism and prevents weight loss. The situation is the same when it is ignored with the belief of “saving calories”. A good breakfast should represent 25% of the total daily calorie intake.

  • This should contain protein, fiber, and carbohydrate sources.
  • It is also essential to add antioxidants and, if possible, omega 3 fatty acids.

Keep in mind that intermittent fasting protocols are also effective for weight loss when used correctly. This is evidenced by research published in Nutrients .

4. You don’t have a good breakfast time

The time you eat breakfast also has a lot to do with the benefits it brings to the body and metabolism. If you choose to eat it too late, your hunger hormones kick in out of control and you probably end up making poor food choices. Among other things, it slows down the metabolism to burn calories and fat.

5. You eat unhealthy snacks that prevent you from losing weight

Eat a dessert or sweets

To keep the metabolism active and, incidentally, avoid morning fatigue, it is recommended to take snacks in the middle of the morning.

These small meals give the body a boost of energy and nutrients so that it can continue its work without difficulties. The problem is that many do not know how to choose them and end up eating foods full of calories and artificial substances.

  • It is not okay to consume breads, fried foods or drinks full of cream and calories.
  • The ideal is to consume pieces of fruits and vegetables, or whole grain bars.

6. You get stressed at work

During the first hours of the working day it is common to feel a slight feeling of pressure for all the activities that must be carried out during the day. Not knowing how to handle it correctly can lead to too much stress and, believe it or not, it can also interfere with your weight loss plan.

When there is a lot of stress, the body releases more cortisol, a type of hormone that, in addition to affecting mood, interferes with metabolism. Continuous exposure to it is related to a greater tendency to accumulate abdominal fat.

Improve weight loss habits

Are you making any of these mistakes in your morning? If you have just identified it, try to correct it as soon as possible so that it does not affect body weight. The practice of healthy habits, especially in terms of diet and physical activity, is the best way to achieve fast and permanent results.

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