7 Foods To Include In Your Breakfast And Protect Yourself From Sun Damage

Sun damage is invisible, constant and unforgiving. Something that we are not always aware of is how the sun accelerates aging and how, at times, it puts the health of our skin at risk. Our body is made to take advantage of sunlight and thus establish our circadian rhythms.

However, we forget that continuous exposure to the shortest waves of the sun, that is, ultraviolet (UV) radiation ends up causing serious health problems.  We must know that UV rays invade our skin cells, alter their processes and affect their growth and appearance.

From our space we encourage you to protect yourself. To apply protective creams whatever the season, to avoid being exposed to the sun in the central hours of the day and to eat properly.

Protecting ourselves on the inside is just as important as protecting ourselves on the outside. A diet rich in antioxidants is like having a protective barrier with which to mitigate the impact of sun damage. Take note of these foods that you can start the day with. You will love them!

The best breakfast to protect you from sun damage

Quick breakfast

1. Carrot juice

Carrot juice is always in the mood, especially first thing in the day. However, now you have one more reason to benefit from it: it will protect you from sun damage.

  • These orange vegetables have carotenoids (plant pigments with great antioxidant power).
  • Carrot juice protects you against sunburn, takes care of your skin by strengthening it and, in turn, provides you with a good amount of vitamin C.

2. Cucumber and lemon water

You can start the day with a breakfast rich in fiber, some protein and where you also include a glass of cucumber water with lemon.

  • This natural drink based on cucumber and lemon will allow you to be well hydrated and also get a good treasure of antioxidants and vitamin C, ideal to protect you from UV rays.
  • However, remember: you must be consistent. It is useless to drink this drink every other day. Ideally, in all our breakfasts we benefit from natural juices and waters enriched with fruits or vegetables with high antioxidant content.

    3. Grenades

    7 incredible benefits of pomegranate juice
    You can prepare a bowl of oatmeal with pomegranate and kiwis, or simply use the blender to enjoy a wonderful juice to protect yourself from sun damage.

    • Pomegranate seeds contain polyphenols that protect our skin against UVA and UVB rays.
    • They are one of the best fruits to deal with hyperpigmentation caused by the sun’s rays.

    4. A toast with extra virgin olive oil

    Olive oil is not only our best resource in the kitchen. It is liquid gold, it is a natural treasure full of antioxidants that protect us against sun damage.

    • Likewise, olive oil also helps us protect ourselves from melanoma, by caring for and strengthening our skin cells and avoiding  (as far as possible)  the formation of a cancerous tumor.

    5. Green tea

    Green tea

    Green tea is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world, and there are reasons for it.

    • In addition to its properties to strengthen the immune system, accelerate metabolism, give us energy, improve our digestion, green tea is great to protect us from sunburn.
    • You can drink one or two cups of green tea a day. Thanks to it, you will face the impact of UV rays and you can even regenerate capillaries damaged by burns. 

    6. Tomatoes

    As stated at a conference of the British Society for Dermatological Research in 2008, tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant capable of protecting our skin from sunburn.

    • Lycopene neutralizes the harmful effects of ultraviolet light and, in turn, helps us prevent skin aging.
    • Feel free to make yourself a small salad of tomatoes and avocados. This delicious mix will offer you multiple antioxidants and healthy fats to take care of the beauty of your skin.

      7. Aloe vera juice

      aloe sun damage

      It is a well known fact that aloe vera gel helps us soothe sunburns and smooth wrinkles.

      • Now … Have you ever tried to prepare an aloe vera juice? Its regenerative and protective properties are great internally.
      • Aloe vera juice is a natural anti-inflammatory packed with multiple vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that cope with the effects of sun damage. Take advantage of its benefits and include a natural aloe vera drink in your breakfast as well.

      Are you worried about the health of your skin on sunny days? Then do not stop consuming these prodigious foods. As you can see, they are full of nutrients that are decisive in preventing sun damage.

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