7 Tips To Revitalize The Face In A Matter Of Minutes

Do you wake up with a tired, puffy, dull face? You should know that it is possible to revitalize the face naturally and quickly thanks to some instant beauty tips.

Discover how you can achieve a face full of radiance in a matter of minutes and in the simplest way. Find out below!

Revitalize the face naturally

Revitalize the face naturally

Many women wake up in the morning with an overly tired, dull or aged face.

After a few hours, or with the help of makeup, they can hide and improve the marks of stress, insomnia or the passage of time.

Many of them also resort to sporadic beauty treatments.

In this article we propose 7 simple and natural tips for you to find the most suitable one to revitalize your face whenever you need it and, also, in a very short time.

1. Cold water

Cold water is the cheapest and fastest remedy to try to revitalize the face in a matter of seconds.

Many women already do, although they may use warm water. The colder the water, the more invigorating the effect will be.

If the eyes are one of the areas that we need to improve the most, we recommend splashing cold water on the closed eyelids several times in a row.

2. Self-massage


In the same way that the freshness of the water helps us to tone the skin, a good self-massage, although it produces a calorific effect, also has the same effect.

It is also very suitable for women who wake up with cold facial skin.

  • We can use a little vegetable oil (coconut, almond, olive, wheat germ) to massage ourselves for 2 or three minutes.
  • Next, we will clean the skin with a towel soaked in hot water. The skin will be hydrated and firm.

3. Rosemary tonic

Rosemary toner or water is an ancient beauty secret of women who wanted to maintain a youthful and revitalized complexion.

Rosemary is a medicinal plant that improves circulation and therefore prevents the appearance of wrinkles and sagging. 

At home we can use well concentrated rosemary infusion, which we will keep in the fridge and apply with a spray every morning.

4. Coffee and coconut oil scrub

Coffee scrub

Do you need a good coffee in the morning? Maybe your face too.

Caffeine can help us to reactivate the circulation of the skin in the same way that it helps us to wake up if we take it.

This remedy is very practical, since it allows us to reuse the coffee grounds to turn them into an excellent exfoliant.

  • We will mix it with a little coconut oil to facilitate its application and to hydrate the skin at the same time.

5. Avocado and lemon mask to give luminosity

If what your skin needs most is luminosity and firmness, we recommend that you try this green avocado and lemon mask, rich in vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. 

  • You will need a very ripe piece of avocado, which you will mash with a fork.
  • You will add a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice, you will mix well, and you will have the mask ready.
  • We recommend that you apply it and let it act for at least 3 minutes. Afterwards you can rinse your face well and hydrate as you always do.

6. Facial suction cups

Facial suction cups

The Chinese cupping technique is becoming more and more popular, as many elite athletes use them to relieve inflammation and pain.

However, there are some smaller suction cups that are quite unknown.

By having this measure, they are used for smaller and more delicate areas such as the face.

  • In this way, by applying a little oil to make them slide, we can deeply massage the skin of the face in a matter of minutes.

We must always do it with caution, applying very little intensity and a very short time to avoid bruises or other marks.

7. Yogurt and vitamin C to hydrate

If what your face lacks is hydration, or you have a tendency to appear wrinkles, we recommend that you apply this remedy of natural yogurt and vitamin C.

  • Yogurt provides a lot of hydration, while vitamin C exfoliates very gently and improves collagen production.

It will be enough to massage the skin for 2 minutes, let the remedy act for another 2 minutes and rinse.

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