8 Symptoms Of A Liver Problem

The liver is an essential organ that fulfills essential functions for our daily well-being and, in short, the proper functioning of our body. Below we will tell you about some symptoms that may indicate the presence of a liver problem.

It should be noted that the fact that a discomfort is experienced does not always mean that there is a serious illness. Many times, it can be a temporary discomfort. Now, when in doubt, it is best to consult your doctor. 

In general, it is important to know what are the signals that the body sends when it is not well, but this does not imply that calm or common sense is neglected. There is no need to rush to self-test. Instead, it is best to resolve concerns with a professional.

What is the importance of the liver?


The importance of this organ resides in the three functions it performs:  purify the blood by eliminating toxins and cells that are no longer useful; help to synthesize carbohydrates and lipids, which also allows us to avoid bleeding; and also store certain basic nutrients for energy, such as vitamins A, D, E and K.

Indicators of a liver problem

As we have already pointed out, the presence of any of these symptoms is not an irrefutable diagnosis of a liver problem but rather an indication of a possible problem. Consult your doctor about it.

1. Nausea

When a person experiences nausea regularly and other symptoms, such as: dizziness, vomiting, difficulty in digestion, heaviness, abdominal bloating, stomach pain, headache, among others, it could be indicative that there is a problem in the liver.

2. Pain in the upper abdomen

According to the United States Library of Medicine, localized pain in the upper abdomen, just below the ribs, radiating to the back, could indicate biliary colic. Of course, the pain is usually accompanied by other symptoms such as abdominal swelling and fever. 

3. Jaundice

When there is an excess of bilirubin (bile) in the body and in the blood, the skin takes on a yellowish hue. This is known as jaundice and indicates a problem in the liver, which may be infectious in origin. According to research, jaundice occurs in 20-50% of hepatitis cases. 

4. Fatigue and weakness

When there is a problem in the liver, one of the first symptoms to appear is usually fatigue and weakness. Sometimes, it is not given importance, but when the discomfort persists and increases, it is necessary to see a doctor.

5. Fever

A patient with a liver problem may develop a high fever, especially if there is an infection. And although this symptom is very common, it is not always experienced. In fact, it must be clarified that, on occasions, many diseases manifest asymptomatically. 

6. Light-colored stools

Changes in the characteristics of bowel movements are signals about the health of the body. And if the stool is light in color, it may be due to a liver problem or even irritable bowel syndrome.

7. Itching in the body

This is due to the accumulation of bile under the skin. The body itches us and we feel uncomfortable since the blood reacts to all that accumulation of toxins that the liver has stopped purifying.

8. Bleeding and bruising

Another symptom, although less common, that may indicate a problem in the liver, is the appearance of bruises on the body. On the other hand, having bleeding, without knowing the cause, can indicate an anomaly that must be taken into account.

How to take care of the liver?


A healthy lifestyle and consistent lifestyle habits can help prevent many diseases, including liver problems. These are some tips that you should keep in mind:

  • Eat fruits and vegetables every day, especially those that help us cleanse the liver: apples, kiwi, grapes, cherries, spinach, artichokes, asparagus and radishes.
  • Avoid excess frying, frozen, carbonated drinks, alcohol and processed foods. 
  • Increase your consumption of foods with antioxidants: oranges, lemons, blueberries, tomatoes, among others.
  • Moderate the use of drugs, since these are great enemies of the proper functioning of the liver.
  • Avoid excesses and copious meals, especially protein and carbohydrates. 


All the symptoms detailed here could indicate a liver problem but don’t forget that  your doctor will determine if they are due to one disease or another. Remember that there are diseases with very similar symptoms and that only with a professional evaluation and the respective tests, you can know precisely what type of disease (or not) is present.

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