8 Things To Say Goodbye To Before Starting The New Year

When there is very little left to start the new year,  some reflect on those experiences they had in the last twelve months: the achievements, the failures and also those things that they promised to accomplish and did not do. Have you ever done this?

For many, the new year comes as an opportunity to start from scratch and fight for what this could not be; However, before making plans or releasing promises, it is best to start saying goodbye to those things that get in the way of many aspects of life.

It is not about waiting for things to happen by magic or for the simple fact of ringing in a new year. Changes must start with your attitude and your own decisions. Take the opportunity to reflect and start leaving behind those things that will not serve you next year. Discover them!

1. Negative thoughts… Say goodbye on New Years and any other occasion!

Woman with negative thinking

Negative thoughts can be the result of many moments that, in the end, only fueled insecurity. But … do you really think it’s worth getting carried away by that? If so, you should reflect on it.

Negativity is not healthy for life. In fact, it can often become a huge obstacle to getting a lot done in the new year.

If you have difficulties managing negative thoughts, we recommend that you take advantage of the resources that the psychological consultation offers you. This will help you identify key points, as well as better manage your negativity, with your own resources and some additional tools.

2. Need to be accepted

All people in some moments of our life have a need for approval. However, this should not be a reason to do each and every one of our things based on pleasing, pleasing, and gaining the approval of others. This is not healthy, nor is it to put aside our dreams in favor of fulfilling the expectations of others.

Sometimes others are the obstacle to success, as some are there to make you always see the negative side. But you remember that you are capable of making your own decisions and you do not need anyone’s opinion to do what you want.

3. Pride, something to say goodbye to in the new year

Out of pride, have you put aside a good relationship, such as a friendship or a family relationship? Have you really achieved something good with it? While pride may sometimes seem like a life saver in some situations, it is not. We often mistake dignity for pride.

Putting pride aside, and trying to solve the differences with that person with whom we had a friction or an argument is important so that both parties can close one stage and move on to the next, in the best possible way.

When sitting down to talk to smooth things over, it is important to do so with calm and respect. Without pointing out, criticizing or recriminating right off the bat, but exposing what is uncomfortable, what was felt and thought at that moment, and proposing solutions that can lead to a better point in the relationship.

This, at any time of year and occasion is healthy, not only for the new year.

4. Unfulfilled promises

If you made a promise to yourself that you were going to get up earlier to make better use of your days or you just promised to exercise more during the week and you didn’t keep it, don’t be overwhelmed, you can renew that promise.

It is important that when you make a promise to yourself, you try to keep it as much as possible. Simply for your own well-being. You can be flexible along the way, but the most important thing is that you be consistent.

This year you did not keep one of your promises? Do not regret or suffer for it, but try to devise a strategy that will allow you to achieve it this new year, if you are still interested. You can design a “roadmap” to achieve this, which helps you achieve short objectives in phases, and thus facilitate the achievement of the main objective.

5. Moments of pain and suffering

Going through situations of suffering and pain is inevitable throughout life, and even more so when things did not go well for us. However, they can provide valuable lessons to help us develop our strengths.

Forgive yourself and also those who caused you pain. Do not cling to the negative, because it will neither add to you nor help you enjoy the new that is already coming into your life. Inhale, exhale, let go … and step forward to a better place, of clarity and calm.

6. People who no longer want to be

It is normal that during the year some people have made the decision to move away from your life. The motives don’t matter now. What should be more relevant is that this should not become an obstacle or reason for insecurity.

If someone does not want to be by your side, it is best to let them go. 

From now on, focus your feelings and time on yourself, and those that are there with you.

7. Waiting for someone or something

Waiting for someone, be it out of love, friendship or some other kind of commitment, is a waste of time. You never know if that person is really as willing as you are or if that something is going to arrive without a minimum of effort.

Get rid of this and start to see that, when you don’t wait, there are more opportunities to be happy and grow as a person. And you get rid of that anxiety.

8. Believe that everything is competition

Teen girl thinking

Wanting to stand out is not bad. However, not everything in life is competition.  Sometimes having this thought can lead to frustration and other negative emotions that, in the end, all they will cause is unhappiness.

You must learn to control that feeling of wanting to be superior in everything. Realize that it cannot always be this way and others also want the opportunity to stand out.

Identified? If so, start to free yourself from all this as the last challenge for the year that is ending. A good attitude and having positive thoughts is the best way to ring in the new year.

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