The Yo-yo Effect: How To Avoid It?

The yo-yo effect consists of combining steep drops and rises in weight in a short interval . It is very characteristic of miracle diets, which are characterized by being hypocaloric and not very sustainable over time.

That is, there is a large energy imbalance in favor of spending, through which it is possible to lose weight, to later return to the previous eating pattern and, consequently, to a weight equal to or greater than before starting the diet.

To achieve a change in body composition without suffering this yo-yo effect, it is important to keep in mind some key points. In the following space we detail the most important ones for those who want to achieve the goal of a healthy weight.

A diet based on fresh products

Counting calories can be effective, however, it is much more practical to observe where the calories come from. In this way, increasing the consumption of fresh foods and reducing that of processed ones is key when it comes to losing weight.

In addition, this is a sustainable eating pattern, that is, it can be done throughout life. Even from time to time it is valid to indulge in a whim.

Thanks to this, not only is overweight and obesity prevented, but the risk of various chronic diseases is reduced, as stated in an article published in the journal BMC Public Health .

A diet based on fresh products

Increase your fiber intake

Another aspect that makes miracle diets unsustainable is that they fail to induce satiety. For this reason, they are quickly abandoned and the person who performs them often suffers from food anxiety.

In order to awaken the mechanisms that reduce appetite, a regular intake of fiber is essential, as indicated in a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition .

Therefore, it is essential to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, which are also low in calories. When choosing the source of carbohydrates, it is necessary to opt for grains and whole grains. With these recommendations, not only does the feeling of satiety increase, but also intestinal transit problems such as constipation are reduced.

Allow whims to avoid the yo-yo effect

When talking about a balanced and varied diet, there is also room for those products that are considered a whim. However, it is convenient to remember that its consumption must be moderate and punctual.

Completely depriving yourself of organoleptically delicious foods can be detrimental to the sustainability of the diet. In addition, eating them occasionally reduces anxiety and makes the eating pattern more bearable.

Intermittent fasting

Some strategies such as intermittent fasting can be beneficial to lose weight progressively, avoiding the yo-yo effect . Eliminating breakfast does not cause, in most of the population, an increase in appetite, thanks to the laws of chronobiology that regulate hormonal cycles.

In addition, it allows you to significantly reduce the calories ingested each week. A protocol of this type can be started by eliminating breakfast or dinner, 3 days a week, and gradually increasing.

Even, for people who have a correct management of intermittent fasting, there is the possibility of performing specific 24-hour fasts. However, these techniques must be supervised by a professional.

Fasting during quarantine

Avoid the yo-yo effect by eating healthy

To avoid rebounding and weight gain and loss, it is necessary to plan a balanced, varied and sustainable diet. Therefore, the ideal is to increase the intake of fresh foods and reduce that of processed products.

In addition, it is necessary to look at the origin of the calories consumed. Considering this, it is convenient to make the contribution of carbohydrates through whole grains and whole grains, whose fiber allows to induce satiety and improve intestinal transit.

On the other hand, regular physical exercise is advised to support weight loss and muscle gains. This also contributes to reducing the risk of a large number of complex diseases.

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