How To Have A Healthy Spine

Being overweight can make our spine suffer and aches appear. We will try to stay in a healthy range and avoid excess toxins

It goes without saying that the spinal column is the one that maintains us, is responsible for sustaining us and helps us to carry out all our movements? It is always good to remember, especially when we do not treat her correctly.

In the following article you can learn some tips on how to have a healthy spine.

Facts about the spine

The spine or column is the most important articulated structure in the body, starting below the head and extending to the hips. That is, it crosses our entire back. It is divided into five regions:

  • Cervical: Seven vertebrae (C1 to C7)
  • Thoracic or dorsal: Twelve vertebrae (T1 to T12)
  • Lumbar: Five vertebrae (L1 to L5)
  • Sacra: Five vertebrae (S1 to S5)
  • Coccygea: With four or five vertebrae

    Each of these areas of the spine has a particular objective and together they give us support, mobility and posture. As if this were not enough, the spinal column is the conductive guide of the nervous system.

    How to have a healthy spine?

    Let’s now go to the practical data. If you want to have a healthy spine, that does not hurt and does not cause any problems, then:

    Take care of your posture

    Keep your back straight for as long as you can when you’re at work, on the subway, on the couch, in bed, or at college. In this way, your spine will be healthy.

    Self-correct your posture, tighten and contract your belly and align it with your abdomen. Imagine that a rope comes out of your head that ties you to the ceiling and that your back has to be straight for this.

    There are many techniques to maintain proper posture, such as adding more cushions to the chair, buying an ergonomic seat, placing a board on the back of chairs, wearing a girdle, etc.

    In all cases, the shoulders should be placed slightly back and falling freely to the sides.

    When we have a bad posture, the nerves that are between the vertebrae are “pinched” and this causes in addition to pain, problems with blood circulation and energy.

    So if you’re hunched forward, you’re more likely to be in low spirits or depressed, sleepy, or in a bad mood.

    Check your posture every so often when you are sitting in front of the computer or the desk. Put a poster on the monitor to remind you, for example.

    Do exercises

    But be careful, not just any type of exercise is good for this area. The important thing is that your movements help keep your back and belly muscles, which are the ones that contain your spine, healthy, strong and firm.

    You can do abs, lumbar and exercises with little weight. To tone the spine and at the same time relax it, do not hesitate to practice yoga. The best exercise or sport for back health is swimming.

    A few times a day (at least once) stretch for about 10 minutes.

    A good idea to relieve the tensions of the spine is to hold the hands, interlocking the fingers. Then stretch forward at chest level. Bend your back a little, like a C, and extend your arms as far as you can. Repeat five times.

    Avoid the accumulation of toxins

    Of course there is a great relationship between what you eat and how your back feels, beyond posture or gymnastics.

    You need to eat a diet that does not contain fatty, refined, sugary, fried, or fast food “foods”.

    All these accumulate toxins throughout the spine and generate complications and various ailments.

    It is good that you include in your daily diet vegetable juices with fresh ingredients, nuts such as almonds, oily fish such as salmon, raw fruits and two liters of water a day (at least) to release everything that accumulates.

    Eliminate overweight

    Most obese people have back pain and problems. This is because the more weight, the more work the spine has to do to support the body. Intervertebral tension is very painful.

    If you are very overweight, follow a diet that helps you lose at least a few kilos.

    Get local massages

    When an area of ​​your spine hurts, you can go to a masseur to remove the contracture. But be careful, this technique should not only be done when the pain is unbearable.

    Some people choose to do prevention sessions once a week, to tone the muscles of the back and, at the same time, to eliminate tensions when they first appear and are still small and mild.

    Acupressure, bioenergetic massages and relaxants are the three recommended so that the vertebrae are toned, accumulated toxins are expelled and intervertebral pressures are released.

    Do not carry heavy objects

    If your job requires it, carry things with a correct posture and always wear the stipulated corset. In case you are lifting objects at home or sporadically, pay close attention to how you do it.

    The best technique is to bend your knees and bring your glutes as close to the floor as possible. Then take what you have to lift between your arms as if you were giving it a hug.

    Straighten your knees little by little and return to the starting position.

    Consume natural supplements

    Back-pain (2)

    Among the most beneficial for the spine are magnesium, calcium, spirulina, brewer’s yeast, flaxseed, salmon oil, and vegetable oils.

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