10 Benefits You Can Get From Consuming Blackberries

Thanks to its antioxidant content and anti-inflammatory properties, blackberries are a suitable food to combat multiple ailments, prevent fluid retention and improve health.

There are several reasons why everyone should eat blackberries. This time we share its 7 outstanding health benefits. Get to know them!

Blackberries are delicious shrub fruits, small and fleshy in appearance. It is estimated that there are about 300 different species in the world and they are very common in warm and temperate places in Asia, Africa and America.

Due to their flavor and versatility, they have been used as part of desserts, cakes, smoothies and many other recipes. They have also been taken into account for their nutritional value. Its main vitamins include C and E, which act as antioxidants; In addition, they have a flavonoid pigment called anthocyanin that is responsible for their anti-inflammatory effect.

Benefits that we can obtain by consuming blackberries

Benefits of blackberry.

1. They improve cardiovascular health

Thanks to anthocyanins , which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action, blackberries are great allies of cardiovascular health. Therefore, it is not surprising that consuming blackberries supports the care of the heart and the rest of the cardiovascular system, including its smallest cells. On the other hand, eating blackberries in a balanced diet could help reduce high cholesterol levels, according to a recent study.

They also make a significant contribution of iron, an essential compound for the production of hemoglobin in the blood. Thanks to this, the capacity to transport oxygen to the cells of the body increases. In addition, blackberries provide magnesium, manganese and especially potassium, which are good allies to control blood pressure.

2. Reduce the risk of stroke

Following the line of benefits of blackberries for the cardiovascular system, we have that they could also help reduce the risk of suffering a stroke. This is thanks to the fact that they contain an antioxidant known as resveratrol, which would be the main agent to prevent damage to the vascular system.

3. They stimulate digestion

By providing fiber and nutrients such as vitamin K, vitamin B6, niacin, and riboflavin, these little fruits also help improve digestive processes.

Its properties favor the breakdown of difficult-to-digest foods, such as proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. On the other hand, they also contain a significant amount of fiber, which stimulates the cleansing of the intestines and colon, avoiding constipation.

4. They strengthen the immune system

These berries make a significant contribution of vitamin C and other antioxidants that strengthen the body’s defenses to prevent diseases and infections. Its intake is recommended to avoid respiratory conditions such as flu, cold or asthma, among others.

5. Prevent premature aging

Vitamin C and E, as well as the antioxidant action of anthocyanins, are essential to stop oxidative damage caused by free radicals. And since blackberries provide these vitamins, to some extent they contribute to the health of the skin and the prevention of premature aging.

6. They could prevent cancer

As they are fruits with antioxidant properties, it is not surprising that they are within the wide catalog of foods with a possible anticancer effect. There is a hypothesis that anthocyanins, resveratrol, vitamins A, C and E, among other components, would have a positive effect in inhibiting the growth of various types of malignant cells. 

7. Protect vision

Woman holding bowl of blackberries.

Although good vision depends on many factors and habits, the regular consumption of this food could help protect you from diseases. Its contribution of zeaxanthin, a carotenoid, helps maintain the health of the retina and prevent the sun’s UV rays from causing damage.

8. Help regulate the pH of the blood

Blackberries favor the remineralization of the organism thanks to their contribution of alkaline minerals that help regulate the pH of the blood, benefiting patients due to acidified organisms.

9. Fight fluid retention

Due to its anti-inflammatory effect and contribution of minerals, blackberries are fruits that also have a diuretic effect that can help fight fluid retention in a natural way.

10. Could be good for arthritis patients

Again, due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect, blackberries are recommended to supplement the diet of those who suffer from arthritis, as it is considered that they can contribute to relief. There is also the hypothesis that they could mitigate the damage suffered by the joints.

It is always recommended to consume blackberries in their raw and fresh form, although they can also be enjoyed in juices and smoothies, salads, jams, jams, jelly and even in various pastry recipes. You choose! The important thing is that you always try to include several pieces of fruit in your daily diet.

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