Stay Away From People Who Don’t Give You Anything

Stay away from people who have stopped contributing something to your life and who, right now, are only taking things from you.

There are people who have started by giving you energy, but then you have discovered that they wanted to absorb it.

Some say they are toxic people, others emotional vampires. What is certain is that they do not make you feel good, that you feel that you should move away, but there is something that prevents you from doing so.

What is it?

Stay away from people who are trying to manipulate you

There are people who, when you want to get away from them, begin to tell you certain things that make you feel very bad. For example, “you are ungrateful”, “look how you pay me for everything I have done for you”, “without me today you would be nothing”.

All these words make you feel bad and in debt, but you must bear in mind that whoever tells you is trying to manipulate you. Someone who loved you, who appreciated you, would never address you with these terms; what’s more, I would respect your decision.

You have every right to get away from someone who no longer suits you. Relationships change, people change and this is not necessarily a bad thing, as it can shed light on what the individuals who were by your side really are like.

Stay away from people who you know come to take your energy and, when they no longer have more to absorb, they leave. Stay away from people who smile at you from the front, but who criticize you from behind.

As much as they try to make you believe otherwise, however many times you have doubted whether or not you were right with your speculations, don’t let anyone make you feel bad.

When bad moments abound in a relationship than good moments, the moment it generates a minimum of discomfort, it is necessary to put distance.

It hurts us to close chapters, but sometimes it is necessary


There are relationships in which we would like to have a friendship with that person who has given us so much. Sometimes this happens and it is very satisfying. But what if, when you try it, you see that it doesn’t give you anything?

As a couple, at the time, it gave you something, but now the truth is that it does not mean anything to you. A person has to motivate you, you have to want to meet them. Know that it enriches you.

If when you are with someone you do not feel any of this, what is more, you are aware that without their presence you would even be calmer, why continue by their side? You are not living an honest friendship relationship. It’s hard to close chapters because it hurts to let go of who has been important to us.

However, even if you see this as a bad thing, it is not at all. Closing chapters will start others that will be much more enriching for you.

Do not stay out of fear, because you feel bad or because of various beliefs you have regarding relationships. If inside you feel that you need to get away, do it.

We must think first of ourselves and of neutral self-esteem, as stated in this study by the University of Costa Rica.

Sometimes it’s better to walk away so that you can grow

smiling woman

Sometimes we are not well in a relationship and there are only conflicts, we no longer contribute anything … However, we continue together.

We don’t realize that sometimes we have to walk away in order to grow. Perhaps we are not contributing anything because we are looking for what we do not have in the other.

We are talking about those relationships of dependency in which without the other we feel empty; We are not capable of feeling good and happy if we do not have the other person by our side. In this case, there are recriminations if the other does not meet our needs.

Walking away will be essential to grow individually and, in the future, if possible, to try again in a much more enriching way.

Stay away from people who have stopped giving you or who only give you conflicts and bad times. Sometimes, it can be an opportunity to grow or to, at once, take the path that we should have chosen from the beginning.

Let’s not be afraid to get away from people and grow by ourselves, without needing anyone else.

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