More Than 90% Of Diseases Are Related To A Dirty Colon. Learn How To Clean It!

A dirty and intoxicated colon can greatly affect our quality of life and can lead to other ailments, such as diabetes or frequent headaches. By purifying it we benefit the whole organism.

According to the Royal Academy of Medicine of England, it is estimated that 90% of diseases and weight problems are associated with a dirty colon. Although not many people are aware of it.

This organ plays a very important role in our health. It is responsible for expelling all those toxins and waste that our body does not need and that, in the long term, can cause very serious health problems.

People who have digestion problems accumulate in their colon a large amount of food waste that, being subjected to a very high temperature, undergoes fermentation and putrefaction processes when they are retained for two or more days.

Also,  this accumulated toxicity as a consequence of constipation, passes to the liver through the aorta and, then, is distributed through the blood to the whole body. As a consequence, serious skin problems can be generated, as well as different chronic diseases.

So, in this article we talk about the problems that are generated from having a dirty colon and how to know that it is in this state. In addition to the importance of cleaning it and how to do it. Check out!

Problems with having a dirty colon

The colon is part of the body’s purifying system and plays a very important role.

Although many have good digestion, regular cleansing of the colon is very important. In order to eliminate all those wastes that accumulate inside it. Otherwise, they  can pass into the bloodstream to cause serious diseases.

A series of health problems can be generated by having a dirty colon.

Among the main problems of having a dirty colon we find:

  • Abdominal swelling
  • Weight problems
  • Humor changes
  • Slow bowel movement or constipation
  • Back pain and headaches
  • Lack of energy
  • Weakened immune system
  • Lack of appetite
  • Bad breath and body odors
  • Diarrhea
  • Spots on the skin
  • pimples and blackheads
  • Diabetes
  • Stress, insomnia and anxiety
  • Different types of cancer
  • Hair loss
  • Varicose veins

Why is it important to clean the colon?

The modern lifestyle has resulted in problems with digestion and proper waste disposal.  In addition, a greater accumulation of toxins and substances that harm the body has been generated.

Without eating a healthy diet, exercising and generally adopting a healthy lifestyle, our digestive system has difficulty eliminating all the waste that it does not need and that gradually accumulates in the colon.

The result of this accumulation is 5 to 25 pounds (2 to 11 kg) of waste stored in the large intestine.

This causes the spread of bacteria and toxins throughout the body via the blood capillaries aligned to the intestinal wall. As a consequence, we can present chronic health problems due to the contamination of the main organs of the body.

How do we know that we have a dirty colon?

A person may know that his colon is dirty when he begins to have some common symptoms, among which are:

  • Stomach heaviness
  • Fatigue and low energy
  • Flatulence or gas
  • Acidity and slow digestion
  • Excess weight and anxiety about food
  • Allergy to certain types of foods
  • Frequent headaches
  • Sleeping problems
  • Bad breath and feeling thirsty
  • Frequent colds with abundant phlegmatic discharge
  • Skin problems such as rashes, acne, and dryness
  • Redness in the eyes and bags under them
  • Hair loss

How to clean our colon?

First of all, to clean our colon it is very important to modify our lifestyle habits. We must be aware that we ourselves can contaminate our body with poor diet.

Some of the things we can do to cleanse our intestines and improve our quality of life include:

  • Eat a good breakfast in the morning including, especially, foods rich in fiber and water.
  • Drink water with lemon on an empty stomach.
  • Improve your diet by consuming more fruits, vegetables, cereals and water.
  • Get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. This good habit improves your entire body and promotes digestion.
  • In these cases, it is also usually very useful to perform enemas that facilitate the cleaning of the colon. They can be made with a saline solution. The most important thing of all is to know how to apply them correctly so as not to have any complications.

Special juice to cleanse the colon

Pineapple, cucumber and aloe vera to detoxify a dirty colon

Taking into account the above recommendations, you can also support colon cleansing with the consumption of a natural juice with detoxifying properties. This time the juice combines the benefits of pineapple, cucumber and aloe vera to make an ideal drink for cleansing the intestine.


  • 2 oranges
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 slices of pineapple
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 apple
  • Aloe vera gel

How to prepare it?

  • First, squeeze the juice from the citrus fruits and put them in the blender with two slices of chopped pineapple, a peeled and chopped cucumber, an apple cut into pieces and the gel of an aloe vera leaf.
  • Then process all the ingredients for a couple of minutes and add water if necessary.
  • Drink this juice on an empty stomach for 15 days in a row.

Well, after knowing this information there is no doubt of the serious consequences that having a dirty colon can bring us. In the same way, the importance of maintaining a colon cleansing is remarkable.

The toxins in our intestines prematurely age our cells, eventually becoming ill. So always keep in mind to  take care of your lifestyle and diet.  Your body will thank you.

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