3 Recipes With Nettle

Although they may cause some strangeness at first glance, recipes with nettle exist and are delicious. It is true that it is not common to find ingredients that are traditionally used for other (medicinal) purposes, but that does not imply that they cannot be incorporated into the kitchen.

Herbs are sometimes used by professional cooks, which, although their use is usually medicinal, help to enhance flavors and give dishes a delicious aroma. And yes, there are many recipes with nettle that we can try!

Dare to cook like the greats and reconcile the concepts of health and seasoning. You will see that it will be worth it because you will get out of the monotony in a very easy way.

The best thing about nettle recipes is that this ingredient is not difficult to come by, it can be grown at home and, of course, it is not expensive at all. Of course, in the kitchen, what we want to use from the plant are the leaves.

3 wonderful recipes with nettle

Before going into detail about the recipes with nettle, we want to do a brief review on the nutritional properties that characterize this plant. And, as a study published in the Journal of Herbal Medicine compiles , its leaves and roots are rich in:

  • Vitamins:   A, C, and K, as well as various B vitamins
  • Minerals:  calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium.
  • Fats:  linoleic acid, linolenic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, and oleic acid.
  • Amino acids: has all the essential amino acids.
  • Polyphenols: kaempferol, quercetin, caffeic acid, coumarins, and other flavonoids.
  • Pigments: beta-carotene, lutein, luteoxanthin, and other carotenoids.

Therefore, it is not surprising that it is also known as an antioxidant plant. In fact, research published in Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine , notes that extracts serve as antioxidants, benefiting patients with diabetes. It even helps reduce cardiovascular risk factors and other complications associated with diabetes.

1. Nettle pudding with feta cheese

Benefits of tofu and soy cheese.

This recipe helps to break culinary stereotypes in relation to plants; These are not just ingredients for remedies or weeds in the garden.

Discover with this recipe the taste of an absolutely different pudding. If you pay attention, you will realize that you will be able to  fuse fat with vegetable protein in the same dish.


  • 6 eggs (360 g).
  • 1 tablespoon of salt (25 g).
  • 7 strips of bacon (50 g).
  • 2 cups of feta cheese (200 g).
  • 1 large onion, chopped (70 g).
  • 1 tablespoon of dried oregano (25 g).
  • 3 and 1/2 cups of liquid cream (365 mL).
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil (60 mL).
  • 7 cups well filled with fresh nettle (600 g).


  • First, heat the olive oil in a skillet over medium heat.
  • Next, you will proceed to place all the vegetables to sauté them a little. The idea is that they gild.
  • Then make sure to heat the oven to a temperature of 200ºC.
  • The next thing will be, crack the eggs and start with the creation of the “omelette pudding”.
  • You will introduce the liquid cream, the onion, the dried oregano, the cups with nettle and you will arrange everything in a mold.
  • Then, you will put it in the oven for 40 minutes.
  • Finally, let it rest and delight yourself.

2. Nettle, mushroom and noodle soup

Vegetarian Italian soup.

Making this recipe is to pamper your palate and, at the same time, feed yourself in the best possible way. Combine the deliciousness of mushrooms with the nourishment of nettle in the same dish. Of course, you must use fresh ingredients.

As a curiosity, did you know that mushrooms also lower the risk of diabetes and high cholesterol? This was highlighted by an investigation published in Nutrition Research that, among other things, highlights its important contribution of fiber and vitamins C, D and B (12), folates and polyphenols. 


  • 1 leek (40 g).
  • 2 sprigs of parsley (10 g).
  • 3 cups with nettle (300 g).
  • 2 green peppers (15 g).
  • 4 red tomatoes (200 g).
  • 1 tablespoon of salt (25 g).
  • 2 small carrots (130 g).
  • 1 tablespoon of garlic powder (25 g).
  • 2 cups with soup noodles (200 g).
  • 1 and 1/2 cups of mushrooms (150 g).


  • With the help of a small saucepan and a drizzle of oil, sauté the garlic, nettle, onion, parsley, green peppers, carrots and mushrooms well.
  • Make sure to stir well so that the flavors can blend in well. Keep it up for 5 minutes.
  • Then you will pour hot water and let the cooking do the magic for 15 minutes. Then add the noodles and start stirring everything together.
  • Add the salt and go testing, so that you get the flavor that you like the most.
  • Finally, remove from the heat and serve hot.

3. Nettle infusion

Nettle drink.

The infusion of nettle is the traditional way to take advantage of the properties of this plant for health. In this case, to improve the flavor and its effects, we suggest combining it with ginger, star anise and mint.


  • 1 branch of mint (5 g).
  • 90 grams of nettle.
  • 3 slices of ginger (8 g).
  • 1 star anise flower (5 g).
  • 2 small lemon slices (5 g).
  • 1 tablespoon of stevia powder (25 g).


  • Make sure to put all the ingredients in a kettle.
  • Immediately afterwards, take care to bring the water to a boil and mix all the ingredients well.
  • Once the boiling process is finished, let it rest for 5 minutes. Serve and add the mint branch.

Try these recipes!

Dare to include nettle in your culinary art from time to time and add health and flavor. Boost the nutritional value of your food with a few nettle leaves and you will see how good your dishes will be!

Of course, keep in mind that the plant can cause some side effects. Therefore, if you have any special conditions, or are taking medications, consult your doctor first.

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