Combine These Two Natural Ingredients To Get Soft And Beautiful Feet

Although it is enough if we apply the treatment three times a week, for better results it is better to do it daily, also if we do not have hardness, such as prevention mode

The feet are one of the parts of the body that we neglect the most. However, they are the support of our body.

What we do not take into account is that they are also exposed to dust, dirt and other environmental factors that deteriorate the quality of the skin that protects them. Therefore, little by little, they can lose their natural moisture and develop unsightly alterations such as cracking, calluses and fungi.

Because of this, many invest in expensive pedicure products and treatments to enhance their appearance. However, there are 100% natural solutions that allow us to regenerate them from the comfort of our home without having to spend too much.

This is the case with an interesting milk and baking soda treatment. Its exfoliating action helps remove dead skin and softens hard skin.

Here we share in detail its benefits and the simple formula to prepare it. Do you dare to try it?

What are the benefits of this foot treatment?

This natural remedy to improve the condition of the feet is made by combining the properties of milk with the astringent and antiseptic power of sodium bicarbonate.

These two ingredients are totally organic. In addition, they can be purchased at very cheap prices in any store or supermarket.

Milk benefits

milk benefits

Milk is an ingredient rich in essential fats, proteins and vitamins that restore damaged skin to relieve dryness and other disorders. Indeed, its main asset, lactic acid, is an agent that regulates the natural pH to improve absorption capacity and alter the environment that fungi need to proliferate.

It contains up to 30% of the proteins necessary for the production of collagen and elastin, two compounds necessary for skin health.

For all this, its use on the feet reduces roughness, takes care of the cuticles and creates a protective layer against infections.

On the other hand, it should be noted that it also has a whitening power that favors the removal of dead skin and blemishes.

Benefits of baking soda

Sodium bicarbonate

This white powder is one of the best natural remedies to soften the hard skin of the feet and remove calluses. Thanks to its  antibiotic and antifungal properties, it can eliminate the presence of fungi both on the skin that covers them and on the nails.

In addition, its exfoliating action removes dead cells and provides a renewed appearance for cleaner and more beautiful feet.

How to prepare a buttermilk and baking soda treatment for your feet?

feet in milk and baking soda

In general, it is advisable to apply this remedy up to three times a week. However, in case of corns or dryness it should be done every day until relief is found.


  • 3 cups of milk (750 ml)
  • 3 tablespoons of baking soda (30 g)


  • First, you should heat the cups of milk until they reach a temperature that is bearable for your feet.
  • After obtaining it, pour it into a large container and soak them for five to ten minutes.
  • After this time, add the baking soda and perform gentle massages.
  • On the other hand, if you consider it convenient, you can rub them with a pumice stone to facilitate the removal of corns.
  • Then let them soak for another five minutes and remove the excess with a damp cloth.
  • Next, take a clean towel and make sure you leave them very dry.
  • We advise you to do it at night so that your feet look perfect the next day.
  • Finally, after this process, apply a small amount of petroleum jelly to reinforce its moisturizing effect.

To achieve better results …

  • Use this treatment several times a week, even if you haven’t developed corns or similar problems.
  • If you are concerned about corns, check your footwear and make sure it is comfortable and ventilated. Shoes that are too tight influence the deterioration of the feet.
  • Add a little cornstarch to the inside of your closed shoes to absorb moisture and prevent fungus.
  • Remember to pay special attention to the nails, since their hygiene is decisive in the prevention of fungal infections.

    Are your feet still full of calluses and blemishes? Incorporate this remedy into your beauty routine and see that you can improve your appearance in a short time.

    However, never forget that any persistent or painful problem should be treated by the podiatrist.

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