Fight Colds And Flu With This Orange Remedy

It is very important that we use organic or naturally grown oranges since, as we are also going to consume the peel, we must make sure that they do not contain chemicals.

The orange is a fruit with multiple properties for our health, which also has a delicious flavor and gives us a lot of vitality. Next, we explain how you can make an orange remedy for the whole family at home and thus prevent and combat cold and flu symptoms.

Why the orange?

What stands out most about the orange is its high content of vitamin C, but it is also rich in vitamins A and B and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium.

Its nutritional values ​​make orange a good food to strengthen our immune system and thus prevent some diseases.

It has antioxidant properties, like the rest of citrus fruits, and it helps us to delay internal and external aging.

In addition, the orange is also a very cleansing fruit, ideal for cleaning our liver, kidneys and intestines.

Finally, orange helps us protect our body from cardiovascular diseases, as it improves our circulation, regulates our blood pressure and reduces triglyceride levels in the blood.

Natural and peeled oranges

To prepare this remedy, it will be essential that we choose organic oranges or with the guarantee that they have been grown naturally, without using chemical products. This is essential, not only because it is always much healthier, but because in this case we will use its peeling, which has very powerful properties, but could also preserve the remains of pesticides.

The peel of the orange, like that of the rest of citrus fruits, is as healthy or even more than its pulp, since it contains more nutrients with anti-inflammatory and digestive properties.

Therefore, whenever we have organic oranges, we recommend keeping the peel to dry it naturally or freeze it, if we cannot consume it at that precise moment.


What do we need?

To prepare this orange remedy we will need the following ingredients:

  • 3 whole organic oranges, with their peel, well washed.
  • 150 grams of brown cane sugar (we can also use its equivalent in honey).
  • 2 tablespoons ground cinnamon, Ceylon cinnamon if possible.
  • One tablespoon of turmeric powder.
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger.
  • A liter of water.


  1. We will put all the ingredients in a large casserole with a lid. We will put the oranges cut into pieces and without peeling.
  2. We will cook for two hours over low heat.
  3. We will let it rest a little and then we will mix it all, with the mixer or with a food processor. It should be a homogeneous cream.
  4. We will let it cool down and we will keep it in hermetically closed glass jars and in the fridge.

We recommend consuming it in a month maximum. The sugar will also help to keep it better.

How do we take it?

  • As a prevention, we can take one tablespoon on an empty stomach, directly or mixed with a little water.
  • In the acute phase, if we are already experiencing flu or cold symptoms, we recommend taking a tablespoon three times a day, ten minutes before meals.
  • We can also use this remedy to improve digestion when we suffer gas, heartburn or constipation. In that case we will take it as if it were an infusion. After eating we will put a tablespoon in a glass of hot water and drink it slowly.

orange marmalade peach mystuart

Properties (edit)

We have highlighted the properties of the orange, but the other ingredients of this remedy add and multiply its beneficial effects:

  • The cinnamon has antibacterial and antiviral properties and also stimulates our body to have enough energy to cope with the disease.
  • The turmeric is a great anti – inflammatory that reduces throat irritation and mucus.
  • The ginger helps to remove mucus, warms the body and reduces fever.
  • The honey is antibacterial and antiseptic and reduces throat irritation. It is also very nutritious and provides us with a large amount of vitamins and minerals to combat weakness.

We recommend consulting with a doctor or naturopath before carrying out any treatment, even if it is natural, especially if we are taking medication.

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