7 Simple Routines To Speed Up Your Metabolism In The Morning

Our metabolism is like a perfect and precise internal motor. Thanks to it, our body transforms the energy it obtains from food into that fuel with which to carry out its basic functions.

We all have in mind the classic idea that a good metabolism helps us “burn fat.”

However, it is much more than all this: It is the reflection of that internal balance with which the cells receive energy, and it is that “spark” that gives strength to each process that, after all, mediates our well-being.

A good metabolism is synonymous with health. A slow metabolism translates into fatigue, weight gain, allergies, skin problems, insomnia …

All of this should force us to become aware that we should not be obsessed only with “accelerating the metabolism in order to lose weight”: we must have a good metabolism to enjoy adequate well-being.

One way to achieve this is by following some of the tips that we now recommend: they are ideal to carry them out in the morning.

1. Drink warm water with lemon juice

As soon as we wake up and after going to the bathroom, our body needs something cleansing, something vitamin, light and healthy.

Drinking a glass of warm water with lemon on an empty stomach will do us wonderfully well: it will kick start our metabolism, prepare our stomach for good digestion and cleanse our body to properly absorb food.

  • It is recommended that the water is warm: in this way we increase the metabolic rate.

If the sour taste of lemon bothers you, feel free to add a teaspoon of organic honey to this drink.

2. Lift weights for 10 minutes

Weight Exercises for Beginners

We all have ten minutes and, although it seems like a short time, the simple fact of dedicating them daily to this exercise always translates into a better tone, firmness and, above all, a more active metabolism.

  • Muscle exercise is a way to raise our metabolic rate, and one of the best times to do this is the first hours of the day.
  • Introduce this exercise in your morning ritual: the benefits are very positive and not only will your body thank you, but your arms will look great.

3. Yes to eggs in the morning

Eggs are one of the best foods to help us jump-start our metabolism.

  • If we consume them in moderation and combined in a healthy way with other foods, they are fabulous, satisfying, nutritious and will even help us lose weight.

Egg fats are healthy and will not raise our cholesterol, since omega 3 and omega 9 fatty acids are essential for our cardiovascular health.

4. Apples and pears

Organically grown apples and pears are a gift to our health and well-being.

  • They accelerate the metabolism, regulate our cholesterol, are satiating and, in addition, they help us lose that more resistant fat stored in our body.

    It is important that you combine these types of fruits with other nutritious foods in your breakfast. You can add them to a bowl of oatmeal or prepare a fruit salad with walnuts, raisins, honey …

    5. Yes to a cup of coffee


    We all know that there is a lot of information both for and against the consumption of coffee.

    However, each of us also know how we feel.

    So, if we are prudent and do not consume it in excess, a “morning cup of coffee” will never hurt us, indeed, it will be fabulous to start our metabolism.

    • Also, we cannot forget that caffeine increases adrenaline levels.
    • This hormone mediates the breakdown of fat cells, which will help us, as long as our diet is varied and balanced.

      6. Grapefruit, wonderful to accelerate metabolism

      If we drink a good glass of natural grapefruit juice every day we will get an incredible contribution of vitamin C.

      • In addition, this fruit is a wonderful source of fiber, folic acid, and especially thiamine.
      • Thiamine is very important for glucose metabolism, which makes grapefruit a perfect fruit in diets for weight loss purposes.

      On the other hand, it should be noted that people who suffer from obesity will see in this fruit their best daily help : it prevents diabetes, fights resistant fat and favors digestion.

      7. Water: a great metabolic stimulant

      Our metabolic expenditure increases as soon as we have drunk about two glasses of water (300-400 ml).

      It is then when our body harmonizes, when the kidneys purify much better and when we begin to oxidize fats and degrade carbohydrates.

      • It is not, far from it, to drink two glasses of water with our breakfast.
      • Actually it is enough that as soon as we get up we prepare a liter and a half bottle of water that we will carry in our bag.

      We must realize that drinking water in small sips throughout the day is a perfect way to keep the metabolism active. A simple routine that will mediate your well-being.

      Do you dare to follow these tips?

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