The Most Frequent Problems Of Isolation

The isolation can damage our relationships with others, since being unable to communicate in a healthy, assertive and clear way can cause our silences to be misinterpreted.

The lack of communication is very present both in relationships, as in friendship or even between parents and children. This causes serious conflicts and some frequent problems that we are going to deal with in this article.

When we use the term isolation we are referring to the inability to maintain communication with another person in a fluid, healthy and bidirectional way. This leads to quite harmful ways of relating.

Situations that are not resolved

The first of the problems of solitary confinement is that there will be many problems that remain unsolved. This will not be anything positive for the relationship, since sooner or later that conflict will resurface in the form of recrimination.

Imagine that one of the members of a relationship is upset that his partner smokes inside the house, but simply does not say so. His isolation problem prevents him from saying what he thinks clearly, therefore, the situation is not resolved.

However, that person is irascible at many times or has tense body language and their partner does not understand why. You may even ask “what’s wrong with you?” and have the other person say “nothing . This will create a conflict that can escalate.

If a friend abandons you for the boyfriend, you should consider the steps to follow.

What can happen to the person who does not communicate in a healthy way? It may be that you do not want to talk about what is happening to you to avoid falling into a violent argument, you may not want to say anything so as not to hurt the other person, you may consider that you can tolerate what bothers you … and a long etcetera. Every person is a world. 

The problem with not being encouraged to talk is that one of the parties may think that the person who is silent is what he wants is to “read his mind” or “beg” him. And this, as his silence continues, will be ideas that become more and more present in the mind of those who are still waiting for dialogue.

Lack of communication, although it may seem like a way to “preserve the peace” between the two, is not actually beneficial in the long term. It generates more annoyances, more misunderstandings and distancing. Therefore, if the relationship interests us, we should try to communicate, even if it seems “violent” to do so. 

Inability to express feelings

It is important not only to express feelings with your partner, but also with family, friends, and co-workers. However, if we do not know how to communicate in a healthy way, it is most likely that this is a limitation when interacting with other people.

When we do not express our feelings, other people cannot know us, and they do not know how we feel about them. For example, if we don’t tell a friend that we appreciate him very much and that we value his friendship, he is not really going to know. For many good gestures that try to say the same thing, words are important too.

In the same way, if we do not tell a child how much we love him and do not offer him any kind of positive caress, he can grow up with a great lack of affection.

The problem with not knowing how to communicate our own feelings is that it is very likely that we ourselves cannot identify them. This can generate us not only conflicts with others, but with ourselves, since we do not know what we feel.

You get nowhere

Another problem with solitary confinement is that you can never get anywhere. Let’s imagine that we are arguing with our partner about moving in together. We talk, we weigh the pros and cons, but our partner hardly communicates.

Since he is not telling us what he thinks or what he feels and only makes faces and nods, we can believe that he has another opinion about it and that he is agreeing with us without agreeing. This can make us feel frustrated and things can become very tense.

Making decisions together is impossible if we deal with a person whose rule is solitary confinement. In fact, the very idea of ​​forcing her to give her opinion, express herself, and share with us the thoughts that go through her mind can exhaust us.

Angry couple with solitary confinement problems

Despite the problems that, clearly, isolation generates, we need to understand the reasons why some people are unable to communicate with others in a healthy way:

  • Shyness.
  • Fear of criticism.
  • Low selfsteem.
  • Fear of rejection
  • Lack of communication skills.

These are some of the possible reasons why a person can identify with solitary confinement. However, all of this can be resolved. Going to a psychologist will allow you to solve what is affecting the way you communicate. Today there is even the possibility of doing therapy online.

Have you ever dealt with someone who couldn’t communicate? Have you experienced isolation yourself? Developing the relevant skills and achieving more effective communication is possible. You just need to be aware of what is happening and seek help.

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