Gluten-free, Sugar-free And Lactose-free Banana Crepes

Although we do not have any type of intolerance, banana crepes are a healthy alternative that can help us take care of our line without giving up the sweet

Finding healthy dessert recipes is not easy. In addition, the difficulty increases when we want them to be suitable for certain intolerances. In this article we show you how to prepare simple and delicious banana crepes, suitable for people who do not consume gluten or lactose. 

Healthy sweets exist

Most of the time we eat sweets we do so with regrets, since we know that they are not too healthy. However, no balanced diet should be without a few quirks from time to time. Since food should not be a source of frustration, but of well-being in every way.

The solution is to prepare recipes in which we can substitute ingredients that we do not digest well or that are less healthy with other that are lighter, more nutritious and that are also delicious.

Crepes for everyone

sweet crepes

Most people love crepes, a recipe that can be eaten sweet or savory. In addition, they can be combined with many foods, making them perfect for any time of the day.

On this occasion we have opted for a sweet version that we can have as breakfast, snack or dessert and without any regrets.

You may wonder how it is possible to make banana crepes without gluten, flour, sugar or dairy. Find out in this article, as well as more information about these common components for which we are increasingly looking for more alternatives for health reasons. 


Gluten, which is the protein present in some cereals such as wheat, is increasingly known, because the number of people who have adverse reactions when consuming it is increasing.

In the case of celiacs they are serious allergic reactions, while in others they are intolerances of different degrees that cause swelling, heartburn, skin problems, etc. Today there are alternatives to gluten made with rice, corn, soy, cassava or potato.

The sugar

The sugar

Although in other times it was almost a gastronomic treasure, today white sugar is an ingredient that we know does not provide us with any nutrients and that, on the other hand, can harm our health.

Sugar, considered by many to be the white poison of our time, acidifies the body, causes oral disorders, nervousness and hyperactivity, intestinal parasites, obesity, etc.

We can find healthy alternatives in brown cane sugar, stevia, honey, agave or maple syrup or cereal and fruit molasses.


Another of the most common intolerances today is lactose, present not only in dairy products, but in many processed products.

As alternatives we have lactose-free dairy products or drinks, yogurts and other foods made with cereals and nuts such as oats, rice, almonds, coconut, etc.

Banana crepes

Banana crêpes

Next, we detail how to make these very simple and fast banana crepes with very few ingredients.


To make two small crepes or a large one we will need the following ingredients:

  • A very ripe banana.
  • Egg.
  • A few drops of vanilla essence, or a pinch of cinnamon or ginger, to our liking.

This recipe does not need any added sweetener, as the ripe banana will give it a lot of sweetness.

However, if we want them to be sweeter, we can add a few drops of stevia extract or any of the options that we have indicated as healthy alternatives to white sugar.


  • Beat the egg as if we were going to make an omelette.
  • Add the sweetener, vanilla, or spices (optional).
  • Add the ripe banana and mash it with the help of a fork, until the ingredients are well integrated.
  • Put the pan over high heat, with a few drops of olive oil, and grill the crepe, on both sides, until it is slightly toasted.
  • We can eat it alone or add a little chocolate (without milk).
  • To fully enjoy its texture and flavor, we should consume them while they are hot.

Go ahead and try this recipe, easy, delicious and suitable for the whole family. Do not miss it!

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