3 Natural Shakes To Help You Burn Fat

The following shakes can help you start your morning fat burning workout routine with enthusiasm and energy.

Natural smoothies to help you burn fat are healthy and easy to prepare at home drinks, which are preferable to any commercial drink.

There are many weight loss options, some more effective than others. But, without a doubt, a healthy and delicious alternative to burn fat (or rather, burn calories) is made up of smoothies made with natural foods, such as fruits, seeds, nuts, vegetables and greens.

So, if you do not have the time or desire to follow a diet with strict menus to the letter, try incorporating these healthy options into your diet and when trying to win the battle with the kilos.

Note : do not forget that if you are diabetic or suffer from any medical complication you should consult a specialist before starting any type of diet or including any new food.

Fruits and vegetables, natural allies to burn fat

It is said that the foods provided by the plant kingdom are the best allies when it comes to burning fat and losing weight in a healthy way.

Combined correctly and consumed in moderate amounts and on a regular basis, fruits and vegetables are the ideal ingredients for losing weight to be delicious and beneficial for the body.

Here are some recipes for you to start enjoying some healthy combinations.

1. Green tea and pineapple smoothie

Pineapple and ginger drink.

The first of the natural smoothies to help you burn fat is a combination of green tea and pineapple, two ingredients with diuretic properties that come in handy to reduce inflammation, as well as expel retained fluids.


  • 1 glass of water (250 ml).
  • The juice of half a lemon.
  • 1 tablespoon of green tea (10 g).
  • 1 slice of pineapple cut into small pieces.
  • Optional: 1 tablespoon of honey (25 grams).


    • First, heat the water and, when it comes to a boil, remove from the heat and add the tea. Let stand until cool and then strain.
    • Pour this liquid into the blender along with the rest of the ingredients and process until you get a homogeneous mixture.
    • Take it on an empty stomach in the morning or 45 minutes after having breakfast.  

    2. Watermelon, melon and lemon smoothie

    The second of the natural smoothies to help you burn fat is refreshing and delicious, this watermelon, melon and lemon smoothie will also help you expel retained liquids, deflate and burn fat. If you enjoy it without honey, sugar or any sweetener, all the better!


    • The juice of 1 lemon.
    • ½ cup of melon (75 g).
    • 4 cups of watermelon (600 g).
    • Optional: 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g).


    • Blend all the ingredients until you get a homogeneous juice.
    • Drink with your breakfast or an hour before exercising. 
    • If you are going to add honey, remember to keep it in moderation. Avoid adding more than one teaspoon.

    3. Pineapple and celery smoothie

    Pineapple Oatmeal Smoothie

    If you are not interested in using green tea to make a diuretic pineapple smoothie, you can opt for celery. This food has a high content of water and fiber, so it will be good to eliminate retained liquids and, of course, burn fat.


    • 3 stalks of celery.
    • 1 glass of water (250 ml).
    • 3 slices of pineapple without peel.
    • Optional: Ice cubes.


    • Blend all the ingredients and consume the preparation right away to prevent it from losing its effectiveness.
    • Drink as part of breakfast or a mid-morning snack.
    • You can add a few mint leaves as an additional touch.

    Benefits of the main ingredients

    Next, we detail what are the main contributions of each of the main components of these natural smoothies to help you burn fat.


    In addition to having diuretic properties that help us purify the body, celery is a very low calorie vegetable (only 16 per 100 grams approximately).

    It also stands out for its contribution of fiber, which keeps us satiated  for longer. Likewise, it has been proven through studies in rats that it would help control high blood pressure.


    Almost 85% of pineapple is water, so, in addition to being purifying and hydrating, it gives us satiety. In turn, it is a laxative that helps us regulate intestinal transit and avoid constipation.

    Green Tea

    Green tea is well known for its antioxidant effects and its properties to lower cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. It partially blocks the absorption of carbohydrates and helps us to eliminate localized fat.


    Watermelon is a fruit rich in water, so it is diuretic and helps us eliminate toxins and reduce inflammation and swelling. In addition, it is very low in calories (30 per 100 grams).

    On the other hand, it is a fruit rich in lycopenes, a carotenoid present in other fruits such as grapefruit or tomato. This compound would make watermelon have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.


    Another fruit that is very low in calories (only 34 per 100 grams) that helps us avoid fluid retention and has laxative properties. It also stands out for its numerous antioxidants, among which beta-carotene and vitamin C stand out.


    Honey is a natural sweetener that can help you gradually get rid of white sugar and other related substances, but remember that it is very rich in calories and that if you do not consume it in moderation, it will not provide benefits to your health.

    According to the experts of the Spanish Heart Foundation, in addition to sugars, honey contains several vitamins (C, B1, B2, B3, B5), minerals (phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, silicon, iron, manganese, iodine, zinc, gold and silver), folic acid, organic acids (citric, lactic, phosphoric …) and essential amino acids, sterols, phospholipids, falvonoids, polyphenols and enzymes.

    Additional Recommendations

    Burn calories

    Although no specialist would object to consuming fruits and vegetables regularly, keep in mind that everything must be done in the right measure, within a balanced diet, which takes into account the needs and particularities of each organism.

    When in doubt, it is always good to ask your doctor or trusted nutritionist for advice.

    Finally, remember that, if you want to burn fat and lose weight in a healthy way, in addition to consuming these smoothies it is convenient to maintain good habits, such as: 

    • Follow a balanced diet.
    • Perform physical activity daily (according to your characteristics and abilities).
    • Sleep between 7 and 8 hours at night.

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