Homemade And Natural Remedies To Combat Heartburn

Heartburn is a very annoying digestive disorder that can greatly harm our digestive system and our general health.

In this article we share natural and home remedies to combat it, so you can avoid medications and their side effects.

Antacids are not the solution

The regular consumption of antacid medications is not only not the solution for heartburn, but it can be very harmful in the long term for the digestive system and for the body in general.

These medications alter the body’s natural acidity, which requires a specific pH so that we can digest food well.

If we cancel these acids we will weaken our stomach and, in addition, we will make it much more vulnerable to all kinds of diseases.

Alkalize the diet

Alkalize the diet

To be effective and long-lasting, the real solution to heartburn must be based on the alkalization of our diet. That is, in consuming foods with alkaline properties that regulate in a balanced and natural way the acidity that predominates in our body.

In this way we will not alter the acidic pH of our stomach, but rather we will reduce the acids gradually and without affecting the digestive process.

What are alkaline foods?

  • Green leafy vegetables: Celery, broccoli, cucumber, parsley, etc.
  • Other vegetables: Tomato, cabbage, beet
  • Fruits: Avocado, lemon, grapefruit
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts: Almonds
  • Seeds
  • Algae

Eliminate Acidifying Foods

In the same way, while we alkalize the diet, we should also avoid acidifying foods:

  • Alcohol.
  • Coffee.
  • Juices and packaged drinks.
  • White sugar.
  • Sweeteners
  • Refined flours.
  • Common salt
  • Dairy products.
  • Fried
  • Sausages.

Drink more water

Drinking water

To improve digestive function, combat excess acidity and eliminate toxins that accumulate in the body, we must propose to drink at least one and a half liters of water every day, outside of meals, especially on an empty stomach.

In a very simple remedy that can give us surprising positive results.

Grandma’s remedy for heartburn

This natural and home remedy for heartburn and gastric ulcers was common a few decades ago.


  • The juice of a raw potato
  • Two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil (32 g)

How do we take it?

  • We will mix the ingredients well and take them on an empty stomach, at least half an hour before breakfast.
  • We will consume this remedy for nine days in a row.

Can I have lemon juice?

glass of water with lemon

Lemon, despite being a sour fruit, acts as an acid neutralizer when it reaches the stomach. For this reason, many people take it after meals or use it to dress dishes.

  • We can have a little lemon juice with water before and after meals.
  • However, if it does not suit us, we will opt for one of the other remedies in this article.

Chew more

One of the reasons why we may be suffering from heartburn is because we are not eating correctly. Many people tend to eat in a rush or in stressful situations, without taking the time or choosing the right place.

We must prioritize the time of the meal to sit down, relax and be able to eat without distractions or worries, and thus focus on chewing each food well. This simple habit can greatly improve the digestive process, as some enzymes are present in saliva.

Baking soda baths

Baking soda baths

Baking soda is a common remedy to fight heartburn naturally. However, its regular consumption is not beneficial either, since it has effects similar to those of antacids.

One way to benefit from bicarbonate without affecting digestive function is to take hot foot or full-body baths. In this way, the alkalizing properties will penetrate through the pores of the skin, which expand with the heat of the water, until they reach the bloodstream.

15-20 minutes will be enough to achieve these benefits.

Clay water

Another antacid, natural and home remedy with immediate effects is clay water. However, we must choose white clay suitable for consumption, since not all of them can be ingested.


  • 1 teaspoon of white clay (5 g)
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml)


  • We will add a teaspoon of clay in half a glass of water and mix well with a wooden or plastic spoon. It is important that it is not made of metal.
  • We will wait 10 minutes and drink the water.

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