Does The Speed At Which We Eat Influence Weight?

Many people who are trying to lose weight start looking for ways and methods to cut calories. However, on many occasions, they only focus on “what” to eat and not on “how” to eat. Do you know the influence of the speed at which we eat?

Some studies show that the rate at which we eat food is related to weight gain. One possible reason for this could be that eating slowly allows you to have a greater sense of feeling hunger or satisfaction.

In addition, eating more slowly also appears to increase the amount of water you drink and the expansion of the stomach. This affects the biological process that determines how much food a person eats.

Satiety hormones

Eating at an excessive speed prevents the proper functioning of the biological mechanism that informs the body’s satiety. This information is regulated by a series of hormones, the main one being colicystokinin. When we eat, a mechanism is activated that informs the brain that we are already “full.”

By being aware of this sensation, we can stop eating food that we do not need, since the food needs would be supplied. However, this mechanism takes time to activate. Thus, if we eat too fast, we may have eaten more food than necessary.

Eating too fast has been shown to reduce the secretion of hormones that indicate satiety. Colicystokinin is secreted in the small intestine when food arrives from the stomach and gives the necessary signal to stop eating.

Studies on the relationship between the speed at which we eat and weight gain

There have been several studies that show how by eating more slowly, the amount of food we eat can be significantly reduced .

One of these studies was conducted among a small group of participants that included people of normal weight and those who were obese or overweight. All were given the option of eating in a relaxed manner and in conditions that allowed them to eat slowly. On another occasion, they were made to eat on time.

The result showed that all participants consumed less food when they ate slowly and felt less hungry afterwards, compared to a fast meal. Only people who were of normal weight reduced their calorie intake significantly.

What can we do to slow down the rate at which we eat?

Woman eating with mobile phone

Any meal, regardless of the foods that compose it, that is carried out in less than 20 minutes is considered carried out at an excessive speed. Here are some tips to eat more slowly:

  • Space is important. It should be calm and invite you to eat in a relaxed way. Professionals advise eating with the television off because it can divert attention and unconsciously make us eat faster.
  • Between 20 and 25 chews should be done per bite. Try to identify the ingredients.
  • Use cutlery even for pizza or sandwiches.
  • Eating with people helps us to socialize and thus eat more slowly.

Other mechanisms to induce satiety

Apart from eating more slowly, there are a series of foods that can be introduced into the diet with the aim of generating a greater amount of satiety. An example of them would be fiber. This substance has been shown to be capable of reducing appetite, as stated by research published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Similarly, foods rich in protein or fat are able to stimulate satiety in a more significant way than those that are high in carbohydrates. This is one of the reasons why the ketogenic diet is effective. However, not everyone can adhere to such a protocol.

Also try increasing your water intake to reduce your appetite. Drinking a glass of liquid before a meal helps to activate the stomach’s distension receptors and to activate various mechanisms that stimulate feelings of fullness.

Eat slower to lose weight

Finally, remember that good eating habits are necessary to maintain an adequate level of health. Among them, not only the type of food plays a decisive role, but also our routines and customs such as the speed at which we eat. The practice of exercise is also another key factor to ensure proper functioning of the body.

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