Do You Know Superfoods?

Today  many internal and external factors lead us to acquire bad habits. Among them is poor diet. Luckily, there are superfoods that can help us regain nutrients.

Fast food restaurants can be found on every corner, as can frozen and processed food. It is full of harmful preservatives. It is true that it is much easier to acquire or prepare, but it does not mean that it is healthy.

It is necessary to  correct bad habits to preserve good health. One way to do this is by increasing your consumption of certain foods.

Good nutrition is the basis of a healthy life

All foods, no matter what type they are, contain some nutritional value, which can be high or low. There are foods that make great contributions to health, they are rich in nutrients such as: vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Due to their properties, they  are called  superfoods.

These foods are also rich in so-called phytonutrients, which help in the elimination of toxins and waste from the body. Together with the doctor’s guidelines and good lifestyle habits, they can help keep diseases at bay.

The main superfoods are of plant origin, although some animal extracts are also included, such as fish fat, whose Omega 3 prevents coronary heart disease. Therefore, all those processed products that offer vitamin and mineral additives cannot be considered superfoods, due to their chemical content.

A superfood is never processed and should preferably be eaten raw to avoid loss of nutrients. Next, we will talk about some superfoods and their nutritional uses.


The so-called “superfoods” do not have miraculous health or similar properties. This should be very clear. However, including them in your regular diet is one way to promote wellness.

Why are they so special? Basically for its nutritional value and the content of components that help prevent diseases. Let’s see the options:

To delay aging


Garlic, tomatoes and red fruits, among others, are considered superfoods thanks to their high concentration of vitamins and antioxidants. 

In addition, it has also been proven that the antioxidant action delays aging (especially that of the skin). Therefore, these superfoods will not only keep you healthier, but also younger.

For the heart

Sprouts and nuts, as shown by some studies, have properties that prevent the onset of diseases of the cardiovascular system. The latter, rich in unsaturated fats, are excellent for the proper functioning of the circulatory system, as they keep it free of blockages. In addition, they help to maintain a light and smooth digestion.

To supplement nutrition

Stevia is ideal for those who suffer from diabetes.

In addition to those mentioned above, there are  some superfoods that specialize in ending nutrient deficits. Everyone’s favorite is, of course, chocolate; especially dark chocolate, which, as this study shows, has a high concentration of antioxidants and very little cholesterol, which makes it a healthy food.

Seeds, like chia seeds, are also an invaluable source of protein, carbohydrates and minerals, studies show. They give us the strength to carry out our daily activities.

Another superfood that is growing in popularity is spirulina.  It is a dietary supplement made from bacteria rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that, in addition, has a very low level of toxins, which makes it a food with amazing properties and benefits.

Bring superfoods to your table

Foods rich in omega 3

With so many options, we have no excuse not to eat healthy. Add at least one of these superfoods to your regular diet and enjoy the benefits they bring to your health and well-being.

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