What Diet Is Indicated When You Suffer From Bacterial Overgrowth?

Many people suffer from bacterial overgrowth without knowing it. In fact, it can be confused with other diseases. Here we explain what it is about and how you can recognize it.

Do you have constant gas, bloating, diarrhea or nausea and don’t know what it could be? Although some may classify it as indigestion, gastritis or any other relatively well-known disease associated with the digestive tract, you may suffer from bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine.

Although it seems rare, this condition affects thousands of people around the world. In fact, some individuals do not know that they suffer from it since they associate it with other diseases that generate the same symptoms. However, in the face of uncertainty, it is best to go to a specialist to obtain a diagnosis.

You may think that the digestive system is immune to its own bacteria. However, it can turn food into substances that are irritating or toxic to the cells of the inner lining of the small intestine and colon, causing all kinds of symptoms.

What is this condition about?

The overgrowth of the small intestine is the alteration of the bacteria that are inside it. Most of the bacteria live in the colon, but this alteration places them in the small intestine, which produces the following symptoms:

  • Flatulence
  • Abdominal growth
  • Digestive upset
  • Diarrhea.
  • Weightloss.

In some cases, body aches, similar to those caused by the flu, have been reported. These symptoms can become chronic. That is, they remain long-term. A patient with this condition may report symptoms 1 to 12 months before a diagnosis is made.


The way to detect it is through an intestinal fluid culture or hydrogen breath tests. In it, patients fast for at least 12 hours, then are asked to inflate a balloon with a single puff of air, and then ingest a small amount of sugar, usually lactulose or glucose.

A recommendation for those who suffer from this disease is to carry out a strict eating plan, which generates positive results for the disorder, since its extension carries even irreversible damage. Probiotic supplementation is also backed by scientific evidence to correct this disorder.

A proper diet for bacterial overgrowth

First of all, it is necessary to consume small portions, since it helps a rapid digestion, which is crucial to be able to overcome this condition. Distribute meals in 6 portions so that the digestive system has to maintain its work and can stabilize.

Second, those servings should be balanced and with foods that do not contribute to symptoms. In this way, intake of high amounts of fiber should be avoided.

Strawberries fight stomach bacteria.

These can be: blue fish, lamb, poultry and eggs, ripe cheeses, vegetables, grapes, pineapple, strawberries, quinoa among many others.

Likewise, the following elements should be avoided :

  • Fruit juice.
  • Processed cereals.
  • Products that have been baked.
  • High fructose corn syrup.
  •  Processed sugars.

It is also necessary to reduce the consumption of dairy products or their derivatives  and processed foods in general.

It is worth noting that when diets with probiotics are practiced, the concerns are less. In extreme cases, the patient may be prescribed a short course of antibiotics and a long course of probiotics, due to their high effectiveness.

Goals of a diet against bacterial overgrowth

It is true that the small intestine has the ability to protect itself by secreting intestinal mucus, antibodies and even coating itself so that toxins are not absorbed.

Bacteria in the stomach.

However,  the main objective of following a diet with these foods is to relieve symptoms associated with inflammation and gas. As well as reducing the amount of bacteria and allowing the body to absorb nutrients.

In that sense, the intake of proteins from red and white meats will help you regain vitality. On the other hand, if you follow a vegetarian diet you should increase the portions of vegetables or fruits to obtain the necessary minerals and nutrients. However, avoid those that have high amounts of fiber, since according to research published in the journal Nature Communications , this substance could stimulate the growth of harmful bacteria.

Although grains contain a large amount of protein, even more than red and white meats, it is not recommended to consume them during treatment as they generate gas and worsen symptoms.

Importance of diet against this syndrome

It has been shown that in chronic cases patients tend to have weakness, weight loss, and even relapse into other pathologies such as anemia. This is because bacterial overgrowth competes with the body to absorb food.

If the diet is not followed, it is likely that you will enter a state of malnutrition, according to the experts, and that other measures must be used to solve this situation.

On the other hand, in extreme cases people can suffer from constant diarrhea. If that were the case, a serum treatment would be necessary to revitalize the individual.

It may be difficult at first to change eating habits. However, if you suffer from bacterial overgrowth, you must adapt, since only in this way will you guarantee an adequate recovery.

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