3 Natural Treatments To Lighten The Crotch

As the years go by, there are certain areas of the skin that tend to darken, such as the armpits, genitals, the anus area and the crotch. It is something normal that is not related to a disease as such. However, for some people it can be an aesthetic problem, so they look for solutions to clarify the crotch.

There are dermatological techniques that allow to clarify these areas in a safe and effective way, the most popular is laser treatment. Of course, depending on the specific cause of the darkening (a sunburn, aging, etc.), a certain procedure or another will be applied.

Lightening creams, even when they are over-the-counter, are not the most recommended option for all cases, unless the dermatologist prescribes one in particular and with a series of instructions for the case.

On the other hand, you have to be careful with the use of home remedies, since the vast majority are composed of elements that are very aggressive for the skin and that in addition to causing irritation and discomfort, can aggravate the problem.

Why can the crotch area darken?

  • Aging.
  • Hormonal changes.
  • Frequent waxing and shaving. 
  • Wearing clothing that is too tight.
  • Regular application of talcum powder.
  • Use of certain hygiene products (soaps or creams with ingredients that darken the areas).

Home remedies to lighten the crotch

In the first instance, if you want to clarify an area of ​​the skin, it is best to consult with the dermatologist so that the professional can tell you what is best for your specific case.

In the popular sphere, the use of certain foods (such as yogurt and rice water) has been used to hydrate the area and thus clarify the crotch. However, it is not scientifically proven that such elements are capable of providing the desired results.

There are people who resort to these remedies as a complement to their dermatological treatment, since they consider that with them they can provide extra hydration to their skin, which will help it regenerate and improve its appearance.

1. Mask with yogurt

The mask with natural yogurt (without sugar) is the most widespread home remedy to lighten the crotch of all. It is considered that due to its lactic acid content, it could contribute to clearance. However, this has not been scientifically proven.

  • On clean and dry skin, apply the yogurt (natural) with the help of a brush.
  • Let it act for a few minutes.
  • Rinse, dry well.
  • Apply a moisturizer.

2. Honey and yogurt

Although there is no evidence that this mixture is effective against darkening of the dermis, popularly it has been observed that it can help to hydrate and soften the skin.


  • 1 tablespoon of oil (better if it is olive oil) (15 g).
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g).


    • Mix the two ingredients until everything is well integrated.
    • Apply to the darkened area carefully.
    • Let it act for 20 minutes and remove with warm water.
    • Apply a moisturizer.

    3. Rice water

    White rice water has a number of cosmetic uses.

    Although there is no evidence on its effectiveness, according to beliefs, rice water could help to lighten the crotch. To do this, it must be prepared at home as follows:


    • ½ cup of rice (50 g).
    • 2 cups of water (500 ml).


    • First, add the rice to a pot of water and bring it to a boil without salt or oil.
    • When cooked, pass it through a strainer and reserve the water.
    • Let it cool down and apply the treatment to the dark areas.

    What is the best thing to do? to clarify the crotch

    Woman in medical consultation

    The home remedies described above do not have a scientific basis and, therefore, there are no guarantees that they will be effective. That is, they are not proven to actually lighten the skin and therefore are not a ‘solution’ to the darkening problem.

    On the other hand, home remedies with lemon, baking soda, salt and the like are not recommended to apply on the skin because they can cause irritations and promote further alterations, especially in sensitive skin and those with chronic disorders.

    In short, it is best to go to the dermatologist for an evaluation and follow his advice. The professional will always tell you what is the most suitable for you, why and how to take advantage of it in the best possible way.

    While you follow the doctor’s recommendations, try to maintain good lifestyle habits, in terms of hydration and nutrition. Remember that what you consume daily, in each meal you eat, also influences the appearance of your skin.

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