The Best 4 Homemade Shampoos To End Dandruff

How many people suffer from dandruff and cannot get rid of it despite using different products! First of all, it is essential to find out what type of dandruff we have. From then on, we can use one of the natural shampoos that we propose.

Discover in this article the 5 best homemade shampoos to end dandruff. At the same time we will achieve beautiful, strong and healthy hair. Give them a try!

What type of dandruff do I have?

dry or oily dandruff

We refer to dandruff when we observe small white dots on our scalp. They can cause itching or give our hair a dirty appearance and, in addition, they pose a significant aesthetic problem. They are sufficient reasons to seek a solution.

However, we must take a good look to find out what type of dandruff it is:

  • If it looks dry and may be itchy. They are white dots that remain on the lapels of our clothes, it is a flaking dandruff. Our scalp needs hydration.
  • If it has a greasy and yellowish appearance and when touching the scalp we feel the oily texture, it is dandruff due to seborrheic dermatitis. Our scalp needs to balance sebum and fight the characteristic dandruff fungus.

If dandruff is something specific, we must rule out that it has something to do with a new shampoo that we use, some nutritional deficit or insufficient or excessive hair washing. Pollution and other environmental factors can also play a role.

Basic homemade shampoo

If we want a natural option to combat dandruff, we can opt for a specific sulfate and paraben-free shampoo. We could also add an essential oil to our natural shampoo.

We recommend making our own homemade shampoo with natural ingredients and then adding some of the anti-dandruff essential oils that we propose according to our hair type. Here we share the basic recipe.


To prepare the homemade shampoo we will need the following ingredients:

  • ½ cup of aloe vera gel (125 ml)
  • 1 cup of natural liquid glycerin (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (15 ml)
  • ½ tablespoon of coconut oil (8 ml)
  • 15 drops of your chosen anti-dandruff essential oil


  • To make this homemade shampoo we only have to mix all the ingredients in a bottle and shake well. We must always shake again before using it.
  • If the coconut oil is solid, we will put it in a water bath until it melts. Then it is ready to mix with the rest of the ingredients.

What essential oil do I add?

All the essential oils that we propose below help us fight dandruff. However, each of them provides different properties that we must choose depending on our hair type.

Essential oils must always be pure. On its label we must find the name in Latin. Otherwise, it is possible that they are synthetic essences without any properties to eliminate dandruff.

1. Tea tree

Tea tree is one of the most popular oils for fighting all types of infections. In the case of dandruff, especially if it is oily, it is usually related to a fungus. For this reason, it is a very effective oil to remove it.

Its smell is a bit strong, so we recommend mixing it with one of the following more aromatic oils. We must avoid direct contact with the eyes.

2. Mint

Peppermint is ideal for all types of dandruff, but especially for those characterized by excess sebum. In addition, it provides freshness and relieves itching.

This oil is also a good remedy to stimulate the scalp and prevent hair loss. Therefore, it can be a very suitable shampoo for everyone.

3. Lavender

Lavender is the essential oil for everything, thanks to its many properties. It is antiseptic and calming, and also stands out for its delicious and relaxing aroma. It is ideal for dry and oily dandruff.

In addition, this oil not only has these medicinal virtues, but it also has the ability to enhance the effect of other oils. For this reason, we can combine it with any of the other oils that we propose.

4. Citrus

All citrus oils (lemon, orange, grapefruit, mandarin, lime) help us to regulate sebum, fight greasy dandruff and add a lot of shine to our hair.

In addition, these essential oils smell delicious and, according to aromatherapy, help improve our mood. In fact, its antidepressant properties stand out.

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