How To Make Blueberry Yogurt Cake

Do you have guests and you want to surprise them with a healthy dessert? How about preparing a delicious yogurt cake with blueberries? It is a light recipe in calories, ideal for those who want to pamper their palate without overdoing it with the sweet.

Blueberries are delicious and versatile fruits that pair very well with other ingredients. They have always stood out for their high nutritional value, especially for their concentration of antioxidants. This time we review its properties and tell you how to enjoy them in a cake.

Why make this blueberry dessert?


Why make a blueberry yogurt tart? Well, to solve this question we have to highlight some of the properties of this food . Blueberries are low in calories and packed with essential nutrients like vitamin C, fiber, and manganese.

Its high water content means that it provides only 84 calories per cup. In addition, preparing them in jam, their nutritional value is 195 calories per 100 grams. Among other things, its antioxidants slow oxidative stress and help prevent disease.

A dessert for everyone …

Due to its combination of ingredients, this delicious cake will be to the liking of the whole family. In addition, since it tries to use healthy foods, it is suitable for adults and children. Of course, it should be eaten in moderate portions, as the goal is not to overindulge in calories.

Blueberry yogurt cake recipe

Next we want to share the steps to prepare a delicious yogurt cake with blueberries. The amounts that are proposed can reach up to 8 servings. However, you can increase them as required.


To make the cookie base:
  • Biscuit (200 g)
  • Butter (80 g)
For the yogurt filling:
  • 4 natural or Greek yogurts (800 ml)
  • 1 cup of sugar (200 g)
  • 1 glass of liquid cream (200 ml)
  • 3 sheets of gelatin.
To decorate with jelly jam:
  • 1 and a half cups of natural blueberry jam (350 g)
  • 1 and ½ sheets of gelatin

Elaboration of the base


  • The first thing to do is grease the mold with butter or line it with greaseproof paper.
  • To make the cookie base, we will heat the butter until it melts and we will crush the cookies.
  • Next, we will mix everything and knead it well.
  • We will distribute the dough through the mold and make a paste.
  • We will reserve it in the fridge so that it hardens.

Preparation of the filling

  • As for the yogurt filling, the first thing to do is put the gelatin in a plate with plenty of cold water.
  • In another container you will have to place the yogurt, cream and sugar. We will beat everything we will heat it.
  • We will add the gelatin to the hot mixture and we will keep it for about 10 minutes, until everything is well distributed.
  • We will fill the mold on the cookie with this cream and let it cool again.

Preparation of coverage

  • In the upper layer you will have to put the blueberry jam.
  • The first thing is to put the jam in a container to heat.
  • Then add the gelatin to the jam and stir everything.
  • Next, you have to pour it all over the yogurt layer and leave it in the fridge for two hours to set.

And ready! We will already have our delicious yogurt cake and blueberry jam. A delicious cake that will not take much time. You like me? Let’s do it!

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