Symptoms That You Have Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Vitamin B12 is one of the most important for the body. Its adequate levels in the body help to have a good metabolism, as well as to improve cellular function and mood. In fact, yes If you have been deficient in vitamin B12 for more than 5 years, the consequences can be very negative .

In this article we share what are the main symptoms of a deficiency of this vitamin B12. It is very important to know them in order to prevent serious disorders in our health in time. 

About vitamin B12

The intervention of vitamin B12 is so fundamental in certain processes of the organism that it has been nicknamed the “energy vitamin”.  The intake of this nutrient is usually done through food. However, there are cases in which it is necessary to take an extra dose, at least 2 times a year, to maintain its level in optimal conditions.

The importance of this vitamin is that:

  • It is essential in the production of DNA.
  • Helps in the healthy maintenance of neurons, blood cells and genetic material present in the body.

Finally, vitamin B12 has the peculiarity of not being expelled by the body through the urine. The liver, kidneys and other organs store it and from there it is used.

Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency

Vitamin B12 deficiency has many symptoms of different kinds, so it is likely that we will not relate it to it:

Degenerative diseases

This study by the Institute of Human Behavior & Allied Sciences links a lack of vitamin B12 with the development of Alzheimer’s. Likewise, memory problems, mental weakness, lack of concentration, mental confusion and permanent forgetfulness may appear.

One of the determining factors in the appearance of degenerative diseases is the decrease in brain mass.  The good news is that if you regulate the consumption of vitamin B12, in a short time you can reverse the effects if they have not advanced.

In 80% of the detected cases of vitamin B12 deficiency, they have three conditions in common:

  • Old people.
  • Intake greater than 6 cups of coffee daily.
  • Vegan food.

Circulation problems

Another symptom that may indicate a lack of this vitamin is the tingling sensation constant in arms and legs, according to the Mayo Clinic.  This symptom is related to poor blood circulation.

Although it may be due to other factors, it never hurts to check that your vitamin B12 intake is adequate  with a simple blood test. In this way we will avoid, in the long term, serious circulatory disorders. 

States of nerves, discouragement and fatigue

Have you always been a very calm person and suddenly you are prey to uncontrollable nervousness ? This is a possible consequence of a lack of vitamin B12, since it can involve an alteration of the nervous system.

Sometimes we can present daily fatigue , discouragement, feelings of apathy, lack of motivation  or changes in moods. This could end up favoring the development of depression, as suggested by this study from the University of Maastricht (Netherlands).

Although it is not a bad idea to evaluate if you need the help of a psychologist, trying to increase your levels of vitamin B12 may be the immediate solution. Especially if we follow a vegetarian diet. 

Other symptoms

Here are other common symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency, according to the United States National Library of Medicine:

  • Sometimes there may be cases of constipation or  diarrhea. This symptom can  appear little by little. In serious states, daily evacuations are present accompanied by a lot of pain.
  • The appearance of dizziness that can even lead to fainting can also be an indication that this problem exists. You have to pay special attention if they go from being mild dizziness to more prolonged states.
  • Although anemia is related to iron deficiency states, it can go from mild to chronic if there is a vitamin B12 deficiency. It can lead to a decrease in red blood cells leading to anemia and blood problems.
  • Possible changes in skin tone (pale at first, then yellow).
  • Reduction of responses in common reflexes due to a decrease in the actions of the nervous system.
  • A very striking symptom of this problem is chest pain. The lack of vitamin B12 causes deficiencies in the muscles that surround the sternum. This triggers a sternochondritis that causes acute pain due to its deficiency in the chest joints.

In addition to those mentioned, we can also feel some less frequent symptoms:

  • In cases of vitamin B12 deficiency, the urge to eat is also likely to become less and less frequent. It is important that you be careful, because it is not only about eating, but about nourishing yourself. Remember that if you stop eating you can aggravate the states of anemia.
  • Likewise, the affected person may lose orientation and  the sense of space. The episodes appear discreetly but can become more and more constant.
  • Feeling cold and constant numbness  without a change in temperature. This may be accompanied by numbness in the hands and feet .
  • Present fertilization problems. Because vitamin B12 is directly related to genetic information, its deficiency can increase the risk of miscarriages, decreased semen and increased problems in the female reproductive system.
  • Suffering from mouth pain. We cannot ignore the  constant appearance of infections due to the proliferation of bacteria and daily bleeding. Remember that if you are not careful you can lose your teeth.

Medications that cause vitamin B12 deficiency

These medications can cause a vitamin B12 deficiency. Therefore, we must take it into account if we consume them frequently:

  • Contraceptives
  • Medicines for cancer treatments.
  • Medicines for gout, Parkinson’s and tuberculosis treatments.
  • Anticonvulsants
  • Supplements potassium.
  • Antihypertensive drugs.
  • Cholesterol-lowering treatments.
  • Treatments for psychotic illnesses.

The importance of monitoring your vitamin B12 levelsCow liver to avoid vitamin B12 deficiency

Knowing that certain medications cause this deficiency may make you fearful and want to quit. However, you can always  consult with your doctor to rule out the problem and look for alternatives.

In addition, we can prevent deficiency with the consumption of foods rich in vitamin B12:

  • Liver and beef.
  • Clams
  • Bird meat.
  • Eggs.
  • Whole grains.

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