Improve Your Emotions With An Oxytocin Inhaler

Trust in others is at the base of any social relationship. On the contrary, mistrust kills interactions of any kind. Some virtuosos of the human mind manage to win the trust of the most recalcitrant with body and verbal language. For those who do not enjoy that masterful ability, there may be alternatives: a nasal spray can improve the perception that others have of you. 

Note: This article mentions scientific examples in which an oxytocin inhaler can interact in the case of emotional adversities, eating disorders or autism. However, they are experimental observations that are far from becoming universal remedies. They should not be taken at face value, but as interesting information on research on emotional management in various fields of work.

Inhale hormone and you will like the others better

Oxytocin is a hormone that we make. It acts in the brain as a chemical modulator of social behavior, trust and attachment. According to scientific studies, inhaling oxytocin through the nose increases trust between people and improves social relationships. It even improves the interpretation of complex emotions when it is difficult for us to describe what we feel.

Research has shown that after nasal administration, others better understand what we feel without having to give many explanations.  The most surprising thing is that just one dose is enough to increase our empathy, trust and cooperative desire from the first contact with strangers.

Friends talking

Oxytocin improves the memory of war conflicts

This hormone of affection is so powerful for the mind that it can even improve the natural aversion to enemies of war in warfare and alleviate traumatic experiences.

A study carried out jointly by researchers from the United States, Israel and the United Kingdom has shown that Israelis who manifested painful consequences of their experience in the Israel-Palestine conflict increased their empathy towards the pain and suffering of the enemy.

Oxytocin inhaler linked to motivation to eat

Oxytocin is linked to appetite and weight. In a study carried out in obese people who were inhaling small doses of hormone for 8 weeks, it was found that they lost more than 15 kilos without effort. The explanation for this miraculous change comes from the fact that a single nasal dose reduced cravings and, therefore, there was less tendency to eat whims that end up being converted into extra kilos.

On the other hand, the levels of this hormone are altered in people suffering from anorexia nervosa. This disease is characterized by a distorted view of the perception of oneself, eating disorders, refusal to eat and extreme thinness. The altered doses of oxytocin in people suffering from anorexia would explain the lack of motivation for food as a pleasant activity, and the distortion between feelings of hunger and satiety.

Oxytocin trial in autism

Inhalation of oxytocin has also been used in trials with people with autism. Autistics suffer from childhood a disorder that manifests itself with loss of contact with external reality and social maladjustment. They seem to be in their “own world.”

Autistic boy with his sister.

In this case, after intranasal inhalation, autistic patients respond and interact more with others, increase companionship and trust and, ultimately, improve social behavior.

After this reading, the ideas of contexts in which we would love to have an oxytocin inhaler soar so that, for example, the bank director could grant us a loan, or the possible buyer could acquire the product that we want to sell with so much effort.

But beware! Do not accept an inhaler from strangers in case they may have the same claims with you.

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