How To Take Care Of Colon Health In Women

You’re a woman? How do you take care of your colon? You may not know it, but in general we are the ones who most often suffer from diseases associated with this very basic part of our intestine. Do you want to know how to take better care of it?

The colon and women

We name it numerous times in our space. Drinking water is healthy, it is necessary and fulfills an essential mission in our body, that of hydrating you, purifying your body, facilitating the work of your organs, detoxifying, and so on. Try to always drink between 6 to 8 glasses a day, that way your intestine will work more agile and the health of your colon will notice it.

If it feels heavy to you, add a little lemon juice to the bottle from which you drink and you will see how it is more pleasant for you.

6. Avoid high-fat food

We know it’s easier to come home and cook that pizza for ourselves. Or that frozen dish from the supermarket. Or that sometimes, we want more to peck anything, some potatoes, a cake, some fried foods … All this, in the long term, will make our body intoxicated, loaded with fats that we cannot process. Fluids are also retained, we feel bloated and little by little, our health suffers.

7. Take care of your emotional life

This fact may surprise you, but our gut is almost like that second brain that governs our body. What happens when, for example, we are very nervous?  Nerves and stress accumulate there, we have pain, an upset stomach and we feel bad. What our mind suffers often suffers in the gut, a correlation that we should never overlook.

Find time for yourself, set priorities, enjoy your time with yours and also your hobbies. Cultivate your self-esteem, take care of the quality of your day to day remembering that the goal in this life is to be happy, and that sometimes, we need less than we think to be.

Remember to take care of your colon. Remember that your health always comes first.

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