Properties Of Almonds For Cholesterol: Myth Or Reality?

Do you want to keep your cholesterol levels in good shape? Keep reading and find out about the properties of almonds to lower cholesterol.

Did you know that you can eat almonds to lower cholesterol? You are right! But, keep in mind that this has its tricks. That is, it is not worth eating them in any way to provide benefits. Actually, you need to ensure that a number of conditions exist.

Like many other foods, almonds are highly recommended foods for their nutritional value and health benefits, but always within the framework of a balanced diet. As much as we consume one, two or three almonds a day, we will not be healthy if our main meals are made up of ultra-processed ones, and we hardly eat fresh foods, such as fruits and vegetables.

Keep reading everything that we are going to tell you below and find out about the properties of almonds to reduce cholesterol.

Properties of almonds to reduce cholesterol

Almonds to add to the salmon to the orange.

Eating almonds regularly can be helpful against various health problems, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even being overweight and obese. This is related to its supply of fiber and essential nutrients, including antioxidants.

Several studies have looked at the cholesterol-lowering properties of seeds and nuts like almonds, and the results have shown promise.

  • In one conducted by Pennsylvania State University, the researchers compared the people in the sample who ate almonds and those who did not. In the end, they were able to conclude that those who did eat almonds had a reduction in bad cholesterol.
  • In another study, researchers concluded that, in addition to lowering cholesterol, almonds increased the levels and functionality of HDL, or good cholesterol. 
  • Research published in the European journal of nutrition concluded that almonds help reduce the risk of heart disease. This is due to its fiber content, but also antioxidants such as vitamin E, which play an important role in health.
  • Other research articles indicate that, as they are rich in magnesium, they can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes or hypertension. 

According to the Mayo Clinic, almonds are one of the five best foods for lowering cholesterol. Apart from being rich in vitamin E, which -like other antioxidants- helps prevent free radical damage, they are rich in monounsaturated fats, which are the fats that are beneficial for the body.

Taking into account all the above, it is possible to affirm that eating almonds to lower cholesterol and minimize the risk of developing various diseases is not a myth.

How many almonds should I eat?

According to research from Pennsylvania State University , a handful a day (about 43 grams) is enough to see changes in cholesterol levels.  That’s just over 1/4 of a cup of almonds, and about 250 calories.

So far, no studies have been done on the effect of eating a full cup of almonds a day. However, as almonds are high in calories, it is not recommended to do so.

The importance of diet during pregnancy

You can consume them -in moderation- in specific meals. For example, you can have a handful in a snack to avoid eating sweets, snacks and other ultra-processed foods, junk, and feeling satiated. You can also sprinkle some on a salad or a cup of yogurt.

The experts of the Spanish Heart Foundation indicate that ” it is advisable to consume 3 to 7 servings a week, taking into account that a serving is made up of 20-30 grams “. They also emphasize that the ideal would be to take them natural (without salting, frying, or roasting).


Another point made by the experts of the Spanish Heart Foundation is that, despite the fact that almonds are considered to provide healthy fats, they should be eaten in moderation because they are high in calories. Therefore, they can cause you to gain weight if you consume them excessively on a day-to-day basis.

In short, as we have seen, there is scientific evidence that indicates that eating almonds in moderation is healthy. In addition, if you replace all those snacks that contain harmful cholesterol, such as potatoes ( chips) , churros, buns, cookies, etc., with almonds or other nuts, you will be doing much more for your body and your health both in the short and long term. term.

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