Natural Infusion Of Watermelon Seeds

Did you know that watermelon seeds can be very beneficial for our body? However, when we consume this fruit we usually remove its seeds. It is even possible to find seedless watermelons in supermarkets to avoid having to remove them.

Now, some research has been carried out to talk about watermelon as such, however, few are known that place special emphasis on its seeds. In contrast, we can cite this little research, which briefly explains that the seeds provide interesting health properties and that they can serve as natural laxatives and diuretics, to mention only two aspects of the research.

Therefore, watermelon seeds are something that we should take advantage of in a fair and adequate amount. In fact, in the following article we will talk about their benefits and how to create a recipe with them to purify and strengthen your kidneys.

Let’s get started !!!

Watermelon seeds benefits

Watermelon is usually an ideal fruit to consume in summer since it is usually very refreshing. However, a common gesture is to remove the seeds, among other things because we are not used to eating them.

Here are 3 benefits that watermelon seeds could bring us.

1. Watermelon seeds as laxatives

The dietitian and nutritionist Cristina Lafuente tells us, through her blog, that the consumption of most of the seeds present in fruits favors intestinal transit, among them those of watermelon. In this way, we can combat problems such as constipation. However, being so big it would be best to consume them in an infusion.

For example, in this research shown by El País, they explain the following textually:

2. They purify the body and take care of our kidney health

According to the same study published by the newspaper El País, watermelon seeds are a very effective remedy to purify the kidneys and dissolve kidney stones. In addition, they have a powerful diuretic action, very effective in purifying the body, eliminating accumulated toxins and optimizing the functioning of the kidneys.

3. Watermelon seeds are very energetic

watermelon sorbet

On the other hand, these dark colored seeds are rich in lycopene, a type of antioxidant that we can also find in tomatoes. In addition, they have a high level of magnesium and zinc. Also, they are usually quite suitable for those days when we feel very tired. Adding that, they are also low in calories.

Natural infusion of watermelon seeds

As we have already seen, watermelon seeds have multiple benefits. To take advantage of them, here we bring you a natural infusion with these seeds. Take note!


  • 40 g of watermelon seeds.
  • 1 liter of water.
  • 150 g of crushed watermelon.


  • The first thing we will do is bring the liter of water to boil.
  • While we will take the opportunity to crush the seeds.
  • When the water is boiling, add the seeds and leave them inside for half an hour.
  • Once that time has passed, strain the seeds and add the crushed watermelon.
  • Finally, put it in the fridge until cool and voila!

How do we take the medicinal infusion of watermelon seeds?

  • You can take it when you feel like it, although the ideal is after the main meals.
  • If you want to sweeten this infusion, try to use a natural sweetener instead of sugar.
  • It is advisable to take the seeds in infusion since, due to their size, they can be difficult to digest.

Now that you know the benefits and this natural infusion recipe, you will probably think twice before throwing them out. Give it a try and tell us the results!

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