Characteristics Of Whole Sugar

It has several names: black, brown, blond or tertiary and is characterized by being brown due to its molasses content. It is not refined (or partially) and it is wet. Learn more about the characteristics of whole sugar.

How is whole sugar made?

This type of sugar comes from adding cane molasses to white sugar. But it can also be made with beet sugar. It is much thicker than raffinate and molasses separates easily when washed. Molasses is in turn obtained from cane sugar.

In the artisanal production process of brown sugar, granulated white sugar is mixed with molasses, and as a result a dark-colored food is obtained .

brown sugar spoon
The caloric content is lower than that of white sugar due to the presence of water in its composition. Likewise, the difference is not enormous: 100 grams of whole sugar contains 373 calories and the same amount of white sugar, 396.

What is natural brown sugar?

It is the sugar that is produced in the first crystallization of the cane and contains more molasses, that is, more minerals. Some natural sugar options are muscovado or turbinado. The first is very dark and unrefined, its extract is heated and evaporated in the sun and then crushed. The second is obtained thanks to the crystallization of raw sugar juice that is then centrifuged to remove water and impurities.

brown and white sugar

White sugar or brown sugar?

In order to obtain whole sugar, the refining process is interrupted, which then leads to white sugar. In this, the final product is sucrose, which does not provide minerals, vitamins or other nutrients. The brown color is attributed to the remains of molasses that are not removed by the “bleaching” treatment.
It is good to keep in mind that being brown does not mean that it is integral in many cases, since it may have been obtained after adding colorants, such as caramel. Therefore, you have to be careful when buying and consuming.

exfoliating brown sugar

Disadvantages of refined sugar

The body must provide vitamins to absorb refined sugar, because this food does not provide them. For this reason, it is said that “empty calories” are consumed without any nutritional contribution. In addition, as it does not contain fiber, it can cause hyperglycemia because the absorption will be very fast.

On the other hand, the habitual consumption of sugar in sedentary people increases the risk of complex diseases in the medium and long term, according to the scientific literature. It is a product that is consumed in excess today due to its use in industry.

However, it is interesting to consume complex carbohydrates compared to simple sugars. The former contain a greater amount of fiber, essential for gastrointestinal health. In addition, the increase they produce in the level of glucose in the blood is less, which allows to regulate the cycle of appetite and satiety. 

On the other hand, the consumption of refined sugar produces negative pancreatic stress for health. For this reason, and except in the case of athletes, it is recommended to moderate its consumption.

We must not forget that we are dealing with a substance that meets the requirements to be considered addictive, as stated in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. For this reason we must be cautious and moderate with its consumption.


Whole sugar is a food that is obtained from the refining process of cane sugar.

It is a better quality food than white sugar due to its mineral content. However, it is still a harmful product for the health of sedentary people due to the complications it can cause in the medium and long term.

The most advisable thing is to follow a varied diet rich in fresh foods where the consumption of sugars and processed products is small. In this way we ensure the correct supply of nutrients to the body.

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