4 Tips To Avoid Dry Mouth

Dry mouth is a condition that can be very annoying for those who suffer from it. However, there are several habits that can be adopted to increase saliva production. Know what they are.

In normal terms, the mouth should always be hydrated, both due to the continuous secretion of saliva, and due to the temperature conditions that occur inside it. However, on some occasions, the oral cavity can undergo various changes.

One of the most significant is excessive dryness, also known as xerostomia, which indicates the presence of abnormalities in the salivary glands. Although symptoms vary according to the cause, they could lead to major health problems if not treated properly. Learn more about this condition and how to avoid it.

What are the causes of dry mouth?

Dry mouth occurs when the salivary glands do not produce enough saliva to keep it moist. According to a publication from the Mayo Clinic, this problem can appear for different reasons, among which the following stand out:

  • Age. Some older people have this problem as they age. This, due to the consumption of certain medications and normal changes in the body.
  • Reaction to medications. The list of drugs that cause dry mouth as a side effect is extensive. In it are those to treat depression, high blood pressure and anxiety, as well as some antihistamines, decongestants, muscle relaxants and pain relievers.
  • Consumption of tobacco and alcohol. If you smoke or consume alcohol, this can be one of the causes of dry mouth.
  • Consumption of drugs. Among the effects of methamphetamine is dry mouth. Marijuana could also cause this problem
  • Other conditions. Suffering from diseases such as HIV, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease , among others, can cause dry mouth.
  • Chemotherapy. The drugs used for chemotherapy can alter the salivary glands. This may be temporary and improve after treatment is finished.
  • Excessive allergies.

Why is saliva so important to avoid dry mouth?

Swallowing is good for your mouth

Saliva is a fluid produced by the salivary glands in the oral cavity. This is in charge of relevant tasks, both for oral health and for the digestive process. At the time of dryness or excessive absence of saliva in the mouth, the problems take their toll.

Without it, the processes of chewing and swallowing food are practically impossible. In relation to this, research published in the Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine points out that saliva is important to lubricate chewed food and for it to slide easily through the esophagus without damaging the mucosa.

Likewise, in the face of dry mouth, sores or fissures and conditions such as halitosis and candidiasis may appear. In addition, since saliva neutralizes the acid produced by bacteria, a low production of it could contribute to the appearance of cavities. Now that you know this information, we will tell you how to avoid dry mouth.

4 tips to avoid dry mouth

Whether they are natural or of industrial origin, there are some tips or alternatives to counteract dry mouth. If you suffer from this condition, do not hesitate to put them into practice and see the results for yourself. However, remember that if symptoms persist, it is best to consult your doctor.

1. Drink water several times a day

One of the tips to avoid dry mouth is to stay hydrated. According to a publication from Europe PubMed Central , dehydration can be an important factor for the appearance of this condition. Therefore, it is advisable to consume 8 glasses of water a day so that the body stays hydrated and avoid these problems.

2. Consume ginger

The properties of ginger contribute to combat a myriad of health problems. In the case of dry mouth, it can be a good ally to avoid it, since its characteristic spicy taste encourages excessive salivation and makes the mouth remain moist.

What should you do?

  • Take a piece of ginger and chew it for 3-4 minutes.
  • Repeat the process at least 3 times a day.

3. Drink lemon juice

Drink water with lemon on an empty stomach

On many occasions, when you split a lemon, or just by perceiving its smell, the production of saliva increases automatically. This reaction of the organism is due to its acidity and indescribable taste. Therefore, the ideal is to take advantage of this effect and, in turn, obtain benefits from it.

What should you do?

  • Make a natural lemonade without sugar.
  • Drink it several times a day to help combat dryness.

4. Eat sugar-free candy

Sucking on sugar-free candy or chewing gum may help stimulate the salivary glands and relieve dry mouth. According to this, a publication of the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research indicates that the best options are those with mint or cinnamon flavor.

In addition, he says that some sugar-free candies and chewing gums contain xylitol, a sweetener that helps prevent cavities. This is because, unlike sugar, it inhibits the multiplication of bacteria. Try this tip and discover the results!

Other facts about dry mouth

Although anyone can suffer from dry mouth, women are more likely to be affected by this problem. This is because their saliva production is lower, compared to men.

On the other hand, menopause can also be a trigger for this condition. In addition to the above, those individuals with prostheses or false teeth are likely to undergo changes in their salivary glands. In this case, it is due to artificial structures, where saliva adheres.

Finally, if you suffer from this condition, do not hesitate to put these 4 tips into practice that we propose and check their results. However, do not forget to seek professional help if you think that medications are one of the causes or if you suffer from any disease.

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