Hidden Habits Of People With Depression

The importance of treating hidden depression is that you can avoid major problems. Learn to detect what are those behaviors that indicate that something is happening.

Depression is a mental disorder that, in most cases, usually affects the performance of the person suffering from it. It is characterized by feelings of sadness, lack of interest, low self-esteem, feeling tired, lack of concentration, among others.

However, there are some habits that are not identified with the naked eye but can indicate the presence of this condition. Thus, there are those who seem to be very outgoing and sociable but the reality is different. To help overcome this pathology it is important to detect the warning signs. Next, we tell you what they are.

Hidden depression, a bigger problem

Woman with depression in bed

Sometimes it is normal for us to feel sad. However, this is a feeling that usually disappears in a short time. People with depression, according to a publication by the National Institute of Mental Health , experience a mood disorder that is present almost every day, for at least two weeks.

Although depressed people are easily spotted, covert depression is a bigger problem. Sufferers make an effort to hide their condition, which increases the risk. Symptoms appear unexpectedly, usually when it is too late to help.

The underlying problem inside is generally ignored, especially by the sufferer. Thus, a person with hidden depression tries to be optimistic. Listen to music, go for a walk or exercise. The fear of rejection leads them to hide their feelings.

Shame or fear of losing friends or even work can be the reasons to cover up a depressive picture. The joviality that characterizes them helps them in their eagerness to hide it. Therefore, it is convenient to be attentive to these hidden habits that people with depression have, to help them overcome it.

Hidden habits that people with depression have

Woman with head lying on table

Demonstrations of joy and cordiality can also be accompanied by sadness, although it is not noticeable with the naked eye. Therefore, if that friend or family member talks about anxiety and exhaustion, it is convenient to pay attention, especially if it is not very common for them to do so. Find out what the warning signs are below.

Changes in diet

Changes in the diet may be indicative of a condition. And while eating disorders and depression are different illnesses, they can be closely related.

It may happen that these changes occur simultaneously or that one disorder leads to the other. If there are changes in the appetite of that person it is convenient to pay attention to them. You need to talk to him, make him feel like he is not alone, and invite him to seek help.

Lack of enthusiasm

As an article from the Mayo Clinic indicates, depression can make you feel disinterested in things that once generated passion. That resentment that exists today towards activities that were generally done with love, can mean a fundamental problem.

The first step in treatment is to talk with the person to find out if there are any other problems or if it really is this disease. Although it is difficult for you to recognize it, that may be the starting point to start the required treatment.

Fixed, but sad

Those who are depressed often neglect their appearance, look sad, and withdraw. However, people with hidden depression can be very well groomed in trying to hide their mood. This is another sign to watch out for.

Permanent tiredness

Man in bed

When depression is hidden, a clear symptom can be permanent tiredness with no definite cause. They attribute it to weakness, laziness or accumulation of work, but behind that apparent weakness the depressive picture may be implicit.

Feelings of anger and rage

Expressions of irritability and anger can be symptoms of hidden depression. Therefore, these should not be treated as emotions of the moment. It is not just about apathy, melancholy, hopelessness, crying and sadness.

This irritability is due, in many cases, to the fact that these people must continue with their responsibilities despite their fatigue. This is often mistaken for a high level of stress, but it can actually be a clear manifestation of depression.

Lack of sleep gives them away

Restlessness when sleeping, insomnia or night sweats with no apparent cause, indicate that something is not right. According to a publication by the Sleep Foundation , people with depression have difficulty falling asleep and getting a good night’s rest. Inserting this topic subtly into the conversation can help uncover underlying problems.

If we can detect these hidden habits that people with depression have, we can offer them help. When you decide to speak up, having someone listen to you can make a difference. It is certainly a challenge, but it will be worth it when it comes to saving the life of a loved one.

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