Taking Metformin While Pregnant: Everything You Need To Know

Metformin is a drug that is used to treat a large part of patients with type 2 diabetes. However, this is not its only indication. We explain it to you.

Taking metformin during pregnancy is something that is being used today. Metformin is a drug that is included within the oral antidiabetic drugs.

However, during pregnancy its use is not intended to treat diabetes itself. Taking metformin is recommended in women with polycystic ovary syndrome and, in some cases, it has been used to improve obesity in the mother. 

What is metformin?

Metformin, as we noted in the introduction, is a drug that is typically used to treat diabetes. Specifically, type 2 diabetes. It is a pathology in which the body cannot use insulin properly or there is not enough of it.

This means that glucose cannot pass into the cells and remains in the blood. Metformin is taken orally and works on the digestive system. Improves insulin production, while increasing its effect on tissues.

In this way, it allows glucose to be better used and its concentration in the blood to be reduced. However, this tissue resistance to insulin is not unique to type 2 diabetes.

Other pathologies, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, have been seen to give rise to this problem. As explained by specialists from the Mayo Clinic, this syndrome is a hormonal disorder that is accompanied by the appearance of follicles in the ovaries. This causes ovulation not to occur properly.

This disease, in addition to being associated with insulin resistance, is often associated with obesity and hirsutism. Also, it can lead to complications during pregnancy. Hence, taking metformin in these cases can be beneficial.

Diabetic measures his blood glucose.

When is it recommended to take metformin?

According to the Spanish Medicines Agency, the first indication for metformin is type 2 diabetes. As we have noted, it stimulates the body’s response to insulin, while decreasing glucose absorption.

However, it is important to note that it is not recommended in cases of type 1 diabetes. This pathology consists in the fact that the pancreas cannot produce insulin. Therefore, taking metformin would not produce any benefit.

Metformin reduces the likelihood of complications in type 2 diabetics. The fact of having constantly high glucose in the blood produces alterations in the tissues. For example, kidney failure, nerve damage, and vision problems.

Although it is not within the technical data sheet of this medicine, it is beginning to be used in women with polycystic ovaries who become pregnant.

Benefits of taking metformin in pregnancy

Metformin is a low-cost drug that is generally well tolerated. During pregnancy, it does not appear to increase the risk of impaired fetal development.

Taking metformin in pregnancy can help control blood glucose levels. This is essential, since hyperglycemia is associated with fetal malformations. For example, it is a risk factor for heart disease.

A study published in Endocrinology and Nutrition explains that,  in women with polycystic ovaries, taking metformin reduces the risk of early abortion. This is because it facilitates the implantation of the embryo. It is the process by which the fetus anchors itself to the walls of the uterus.

This study also mentions that it reduces the frequency of cases of gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes, as its name suggests, is one that appears during pregnancy.

An article in the Chilean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology states that it is useful in women with metabolic disorders and dyslipidemia. That is, changes in cholesterol or triglycerides. Similarly, taking metformin can induce ovulation. This is of great benefit for women who have a hard time getting pregnant.

When is it not indicated?

Taking metformin while pregnant is not always beneficial, as there is insufficient evidence that it improves certain problems. For example, according to a Cochrane article , it is not indicated in pregnant women who are overweight or obese.

It is true that being overweight increases the risk of certain complications. Some of them are gestational diabetes, hypertension or the need for cesarean section. Similarly, children of obese mothers are more prone to hypoglycemia and respiratory problems at birth.

However, taking metformin in these cases does not seem to improve the risks. In fact, as with almost all medicines, it has adverse effects.

Risk pregnancy with hospitalized woman.

Is it safe at this stage?

Taking metformin while pregnant is considered safe. This is because, although it crosses the placenta, it is not associated with alterations on the fetus. That is, it does not produce complications in its development.

However, this drug can also cause side effects. A study conducted in Norway explains that children whose mothers had taken metformin during pregnancy had a higher risk of being overweight and obese during childhood.

Taking metformin can also cause tiredness, nausea, and vomiting. There may even be dizziness and excessive sleepiness. Especially during the first months of use.

On the other hand, it is important to note that, although metformin is safe, it is not the first-line treatment of diabetes in pregnancy. Insulin is preferred. In some cases, both can be combined to control glucose levels.

Remember that taking metformin while pregnant should be a medical decision

Taking metformin while pregnant can be very beneficial in treating different pathologies. It is a drug that improves tissue resistance to insulin. Therefore, it is indicated in women with polycystic ovary syndrome who become pregnant.

However, it is not a miracle drug. Like any other drug, it has side effects. Furthermore, although it does not cause risks in the development of the fetus, it can increase the incidence of overweight in childhood.

Therefore, taking metformin is something that should always be determined by a doctor. Before starting treatment, many aspects of each woman must be taken into account.

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