Indole 3 Carbinol: Properties And Benefits

Indole 3 carbinol is a compound that is present in cruciferous plants. A diet rich in these foods is considered a good prevention against some types of cancer.

Although the specific mechanisms of action are gradually becoming known, multiple epidemiological studies carried out in recent decades associate anticancer activity with this component: indole 3 carbinol.

What is indole 3 carbinol?

Fruits and vegetables are foods rich in fiber, vitamins,   minerals and water; all of them necessary for the proper functioning of the body. But beyond these, a diet rich in vegetables provides us with a great variety of other phytonutrients or nutrients derived from plants.

Many of us have been getting to know them in recent years and their presence in our diet is related to a large number of beneficial properties for health. Some of the ones we will have heard the most about are the following:

  • Lycopene.
  • Beta carotenes.
  • Lutein and zeaxanthin.
  • Sulfuraphanes.
  • Flavonoids.
  • Anthocyanidins

Glucosinolates are secondary compounds of flavonoids that can only be synthesized by cruciferous plants. TO  this genus belong to vegetables such as the following:

  • Broccoli.
  • Brussels sprouts.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Cabbage.
  • Mustard.
  • Cabbage kale.  

The function of these components is to protect the plants against the possibility of being attacked by an insect. For this reason, they only degrade into other molecules when plants suffer some damage to their tissues. Then a chain reaction begins through which indole 3 carbinol ends up appearing.  

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Properties of indole 3 carbinol: protection against cancer

As we have seen, experts point out that diets rich in vegetables such as broccoli or cabbage are associated with a lower risk of certain types of cancer. In the same way, most studies show that indole 3 carbinol is the main responsible for this beneficial activity for health.

Various investigations in animals and with human cells in vitro reveal the following routes of action:

  • Eliminates the proliferation of different cancer cell lines in breast, endometrial, prostate and colon tumors.  
  • It prevents certain chemical substances from forming a spontaneous appearance of tumor cells in the breast, cervix, gastrointestinal tract, liver and lung.  
  • Stimulation of apoptosis or cell death has been observed in tumor cells treated with indole 3 carbinol.  
  • It modulates the metabolism of estrogen, which could decrease the incidence of those hormone-dependent cancers.  

    Other activities and benefits of indole 3 carbinol

    Although much of the research related to indole 3 carbinol is aimed at discovering its relationship with cancer, this component has other properties that we cannot ignore.


    Cruciferous plants have been shown to have antioxidant activity as they are rich in components capable of neutralizing free radicals. These are molecules that, in an uncontrolled way, can end up being harmful to our cells.

    Thus, thanks to the antioxidant action, these vegetables help us to prevent the appearance of cerebrovascular accidents and neurodegenerative diseases, among others.

    Cardiovascular protector

    This action is due not only to the presence of indole 3 carbinol but also to sulforaphanes. They protect against ischemic damage to the heart, are anti-inflammatory, regulate blood cholesterol and could reduce death rates related to cardiovascular diseases.

    Heart with healthy food


    Indole 3 carbinol has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. This could open the door to its use as a treatment in some inflammatory diseases and as a prevention of the negative effects that a situation of continued inflammation can generate in our body.  

    Consumption and safety recommendations

    Indole 3 carbinol has been shown to be a safe component when the sources are food. A daily consumption in prudent amounts of plants of the Brassica family such as broccoli, kale or Brussels sprouts should not present contraindications beyond the gas and digestion problems that you may experience   some people.  

    If we refer to indole 3 carbinol supplements, they are also safe if the recommended doses are respected. However, in some animal studies, abnormalities such as fertility problems in males and stimulating properties of certain tumors were observed under specific conditions.  

    This is why it is recommended to consult a doctor or specialist before starting to take any supplement. In addition, it is not indicated in pregnancy, lactation and in people who are already undergoing treatment for cancer.  

    Indole 3 carbinol is a good ally of our health

    Indole 3 carbinol is a phytochemical derived from glucosinolates, present in some vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage or Brussels sprouts. Several of its beneficial activities for human health have been studied, including prevention against some types of cancer, cardiovascular or inflammatory diseases.

    Although it can be found in the form of supplements, it is advisable to add cruciferous vegetables to our daily diet in order to take advantage of the nutritional richness of these components in their entirety.  

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