7 Nutritious Shakes For Breakfast Every Day Of The Week

Made with fruits, vegetables, cereals and nuts, nutritious shakes are an excellent option for breakfast and get a good amount of vitamins from first thing in the morning. According to studies like the one published by the CYTA Journal of Food, breakfast should never be skipped, since it provides us with much of the energy we will need to get through the day.

In this way we manage to increase our levels of vitality, improve our mood and prevent most minor health disorders that worsen our quality of life.

Discover in this article 7 nutritious, delicious and healthy smoothie recipes for breakfast every day of the week. And, in addition, they prepare in a minute.

What do nutritious shakes give us?

Nutritious shakes are simple and natural recipes that provide us with great health benefits:

  • They increase our levels of energy and vitality.
  • They help us feel full and lose weight more easily.
  • They balance the digestive system and improve intestinal transit.
  • They improve the appearance of the skin, hair and nails.
  • They help reduce pain and inflammation.
  • They strengthen our immune system.
  • They have a high antioxidant power that helps us prevent aging.

What do we need?

Pineapple and celery smoothie

The shakes are very varied and should be made with seasonal fruits and vegetables typical of our region, in order to obtain the maximum amount of nutrients and the best quality and price ingredients.

We can vary our nutritious shakes to discover new foods, not get bored of them and see first-hand which are the ingredients that best suit us and benefit us the most.

To prepare these shakes we only need a mixer and 10 minutes a day. Once we have it ready, we can have it for breakfast first thing in the morning or throughout the morning, depending on our appetite.

7 healthy and delicious smoothies

1. Apple and chia

Apples to make nutritious smoothies

This shake is ideal to protect our heart  and fight constipation naturally and without having to take irritating laxatives.

  • According to this study by the University of Talca (Chile), the apple could prevent cardiovascular problems.
  • Chia has a laxative effect thanks to its high fiber content. In this research carried out by the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore, it also emphasizes its cardioprotective work and even its protective factor against Diabetes.

2. Avocado and cocoa

This is one of the best nutritional shakes to get energy and stay healthy,  since cocoa contains a large number of flavonoids, responsible for protecting the body’s cells. In addition, their combination results in a very creamy and delicious shake.

  • Avocado is a great source of vitamin E. This works as a powerful antioxidant and strengthens the immune system, according to this study carried out by the Higher Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana.
  • It provides us with a good amount of protein and essential fatty acids.

3. Banana, oatmeal and cinnamon

Cinnamon is a powerful antimicrobial, according to this research conducted by the MS Ramaiah Medical College, Bengaluru, in India. For its part, the banana contains a lot of potassium, responsible for avoiding muscle cramps, as stated in this study carried out by the Evangelismos Hospital in Athens (Greece).

  • Banana and oatmeal add a lot of creaminess to this smoothie, while cinnamon adds a hint of flavor  .
  • We recommend always using Ceylon cinnamon, which is the most aromatic variety.

4. Pineapple and pear

Pineapple is a powerful antioxidant, according to studies such as the one published in the International Journal of Food; the pear is delicious, sweet and refreshing, and it contains a lot of fiber.

5. Papaya and prunes


The combination of papaya and prunes, which we will soak overnight to rehydrate them, results in a creamy, sweet and very beneficial smoothie  for the entire digestive tract according to the report of the Gastroenterology Unit of  the Hospital de Huesca.

In addition, it facilitates bowel movements. And if we add some papaya seeds we will also avoid intestinal parasites, according to this study carried out by the Michael Okpara University of Agriculture in Nigeria.

6. Coconut and strawberry

The coconut, rich in healthy fats, and the strawberry, with a high antioxidant power according to this study carried out by the Center for Research, Food and Development of Mexico, combine perfectly to create a delicious and healthy smoothie. We recommend sweetening it with a little stevia or honey to remove the acidity.

7. Figs, vanilla and rice milk

Figs to make nutritious smoothies

This smoothie is smooth, delicate and digestive, very suitable for all palates, even for those who are not used to these nutritious shakes.

The sweetness and texture of fresh figs (or dried, soaked) together with the flavor of vanilla extract and the delicacy of rice milk result in a smoothie that we can take at any time of the day.

You have already seen it, there are many possibilities and mixes to enjoy nutritious shakes for breakfast. Try them and go combining them so you don’t get tired.

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