Sciatica In Pregnancy: Why Does It Appear?

Sciatica is a disorder that usually occurs in the second half of pregnancy and causes severe pain in the lower back and buttocks.

The sciatic nerve, also called the sciatic nerve, is the thickest nerve in the body. This nerve goes from the lower part of the back, lumbar area, to the back of each leg.

The symptoms of sciatica are due to irritation of said nerve, in the case of sciatica during pregnancy, the pain usually comes from the oppression of one or more nerves in the lower area of ​​the spine.

When the sciatic nerve is damaged or depressed, a kind of electrical current is felt that generates a shooting pain in the lower back, buttocks or even the legs. Likewise, in the most severe cases, sciatica can impede certain movements and cause a gradual loss of muscle strength.

Pregnant woman sitting on the bed.

Sciatica in pregnancy

The appearance of sciatica in pregnancy usually occurs towards the second half of the gestation period. The hormonal change that occurs in pregnant women results in the relaxation of the muscles and ligaments of the back, which are weakened.

This weakening of the back muscles is accompanied by a gradual increase in weight that causes pregnant women to adopt poor posture, pushing the pelvis forward, which can force the natural curvature of the back.

Likewise, this weight gain during pregnancy causes the vertebrae to compress, favoring the entrapment of the nerves in the lower back. In general, it is estimated that around 50% of pregnant women suffer from sciatica during pregnancy. The condition appears more frequently in the case of young women and in those who have previously suffered low back pain or suffer from other disorders in the back, such as scoliosis.

Symptoms of sciatica

Sciatica symptoms can vary from person to person. In this way, they can range from a tingling sensation or mild pain to strong stabs of pain that can even impede the movement of the affected person.

Pain relievers during pregnancy.

As it is a nerve that passes through the buttocks and legs, these areas are very affected. Some of the possible symptoms are:

  • Muscular weakness.
  • Constant pain in one buttock.
  • Pain that worsens when sitting and lifting weight.
  • Numbness or trouble moving your leg or foot.
  • Burning or tingling sensation going down the leg.
  • Constant pain in a buttock or leg. Sciatica usually affects the dominant leg, although it can sometimes affect both.

    Read also: Sciatica in the legs

    Can sciatica be prevented during pregnancy?

    The basic recommendation that can help alleviate or prevent the symptoms of sciatica during pregnancy is to perform exercises designed to strengthen the back. It is especially important to work the lower torso and pelvis. Some of the recommendations to avoid this condition are:

    • Avoid spending many hours sitting or with the same posture. Similarly, walk without leaning, keeping your back straight.
    • Avoid picking up weights, also try to use appropriate footwear, avoiding high heels.
    • Sit with your legs up and in seats with a back.
    • Sleeping on your side with a pillow between your legs.
    • Practice gentle physical activity, such as swimming or yoga.

    Recover the figure after pregnancy.

    How to relieve the symptoms of sciatica?

    Treatments your doctor may recommend include pain relievers or anti-inflammatory ointments. In most cases it will be recommended to maintain rest, especially in the advanced stages of pregnancy. Other types of recommendations are:

    • Warm water baths, although it is not recommended that it is too hot.
    • Apply dry heat to the area, using electric blankets or hot cloths.
    • Apply gentle massages to the area, especially effective when combined with relaxation exercises.

    Finally, the diet factor is also important in these cases. A diet rich in foods containing vitamin D, which helps prevent muscle weakness, and vitamin B1, which strengthens the nerves, is recommended.

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