Homemade Cream With Vitamin E For Stretch Marks

Although it is difficult to completely eliminate stretch marks, there are a wide variety of products that allow you to nourish the skin to minimize its appearance. Today we share a homemade cream with vitamin E.

Stretch marks are irregular lines on the skin that are formed by excessive stretching of its elastic fibers. They often occur during pregnancy, but are also caused by sudden weight changes and hereditary factors. Discover a homemade cream with vitamin E for stretch marks.

Today, there are many topical creams and products that help minimize the appearance of stretch marks. Although this condition does not affect health, its appearance can cause self-esteem problems. Fortunately, in addition to the conventional alternatives, there are natural products to mitigate them.

Why use a homemade cream with vitamin E for stretch marks?

Vitamin E capsules

Making a homemade cream with vitamin E for stretch marks has interesting benefits. According to a publication in the Indian Dermatology Online Journal , vitamin E is an important fat-soluble antioxidant with interesting effects in terms of cosmetic and skin health.

Although the evidence on its effects to reduce stretch marks is limited, it is often included in cosmetic treatments against this problem. Thanks to its antioxidant effect, it protects the skin against the loss of elasticity and the breakdown of its fibers.

Other advantages of this cream are:

  • Its gentle formula allows its safe use during pregnancy.
  • It is cheaper than other conventional treatments for stretch marks.
  • Its ingredients are 100% natural and do not usually cause allergic reactions.

How to make a homemade cream with vitamin E for stretch marks?

Cream jar open on a towel.

Directly applying vitamin E to stretch marks can help minimize their appearance. However, for a more complete treatment, we propose a homemade cream based on this vitamin. This treatment is made with other beneficial ingredients, such as coconut oil and shea butter.

Both ingredients provide fatty acids, antioxidants and amino acids that, after being assimilated on the skin, help to improve its appearance. Do you dare to try it? Here is the recipe.


  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil (20 g).
  • 1 capsule of vitamin E oil.
  • 2 tablespoons of shea butter (40 g).
  • ½ tablespoon of avocado oil (7 ml) (optional).


  • First, add the shea butter in a heat-resistant container and take it to a double boiler.
  • When it melts, add the coconut oil and stir over low heat.
  • Next, poke a vitamin E capsule and add the contents to the mix.
  • Keep stirring and remove it from the heat.
  • If desired, add half a tablespoon of avocado oil.
  • Finally, pack it in a container and wait until it solidifies.
  • Store it in a cool, dry place to keep it well.

Application mode

  • Rub the cream into areas such as the buttocks, abdomen, and breasts, where stretch marks often appear.
  • Massage for 5 minutes, until the product is well absorbed.
  • Leave it to act without rinsing and repeat its use every day, preferably 2 times a day.

Note : you can vary the amount of the ingredients to make more amount of cream. Keep in mind that it will keep in good condition for a month or two.

Woman applying cream to her legs

To remind!

The application of this homemade cream with vitamin E for stretch marks does not offer immediate or miraculous results. In fact, no anti-stretch mark cream can completely remove these marks. To achieve a reduction in stretch marks, you must be consistent with the application of the product.

On the other hand, it is important to complement its use with a healthy diet and physical exercise. These habits are decisive for the health of the skin, since they help to keep it firm and free of alterations. It even mitigates the effects of the stretching suffered during pregnancy.

Do you dare to try this treatment? Now that you know the recipe, be sure to try it in your daily beauty routine. However, if you want to know a more effective way to combat this cosmetic problem, consult a dermatologist to learn about the options.

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