In The Subconscious Are The Answers You Are Looking For

How many problems have you been tackling lately? Sometimes, in your own subconscious, you can find the solution to them. It is only necessary that you learn to listen and interpret it.

However, accessing it is not so easy and requires a great capacity for introspection. Many people go to a psychologist with knowledge of hypnosis in order to access this part of their psyche.

Others try to do it on their own, with more “walking around the house” techniques. For this reason, in this article we are going to delve into that part of the mind so unknown (and at the same time, so investigated). 

Your subconscious speaks to you

Have you ever had an anxiety attack? This is nothing more than a wake-up call that your mind is sending you. You may not know why this untimely situation is occurring, if you are perfectly fine. However, this process is much more complex

When you wait too long to solve a difficulty, it ends up becoming an obstacle. You already know that ignoring problems is not the best thing to do, but you still try, hoping it is the ultimate remedy.

This is when the first symptoms of anxiety appear, or even the attack itself. If your body is pronouncing itself in any way, listen to it .

The engine of thought


The subconscious is a part of the mind that is very important in thought processes. Think of some answers to questions that suddenly arise. For example, when faced with the question  “where is the Eiffel Tower located?”  you will automatically answer “in Paris”.

You say this without thinking, because it has been internalized by your subconscious The same happens when moving the fingers of one hand or walking. You don’t need to be aware of the movement.

Curiously, the opposite is also true. There are many issues that you are not fully aware of. Maybe because you don’t pay proper attention to them or because you want them to fix themselves.

Subconscious and instinct


Instinct has a lot to do with the subconscious. Have you ever backed off a decision because your intuition told you it was not the best? Although you call it a “hunch”, the truth is that it is a reflection of your subconscious.

From his silence, he encourages you to take the best of paths, what he knows will benefit you. That is why it is necessary that we prepare you to listen to it. You can get a lot out of it in many areas of your life.

How can this be done?

  • Pay attention to your emotions: repressing what you feel is a vain attempt to silence your subconscious.
  • Don’t be afraid to discover yourself:  when you dive into your subconscious, you may come across parts of yourself that you don’t like.
  • Accept the situation:  it has not been bad luck, it is not that everything negative is directed towards you. Fatalities do not choose who to turn to.
  • Spend time alone : The fear of being alone invites you to seek out noisy places to avoid paying attention to yourself.

Don’t get lost: Find out if you are a rational or intuitive person

Connect with your deepest “me”

The mindfulness, also known as mindfulness is a practice that will help you connect with your inner. Meditation, one of its techniques, will allow you to do so. However, if you want to start with yourself, it is important that, from the beginning, you contact a psychologist.

Even if you think they don’t make a lot of sense, it will help you focus your thoughts better. It is important to modify what is crushing you, what hurts you and what you have to face. Continuing along the same lines will only give you trouble.

Changing behaviors costs, solving problems too, but even if you don’t do anything, your subconscious will take sides. He will not tire of sending you the necessary signals to change your route and pay attention to the answers he puts on the table.

Not motivated? Are your relationships harmful? you feel lonely? What are you afraid of Examine, explore, grope deep within your subconscious. There are the answers you are looking for.

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