6 Natural Methods To Treat Restless Leg Syndrome

Localized massages can be a great way to prevent and improve restless leg syndrome by promoting circulation and reducing tension. What other alternatives exist in these cases?

Restless legs syndrome is a nervous system disorder characterized by the uncontrollable urge to move the lower extremities to relieve symptoms such as tingling and a feeling of tightness. We present you some natural treatments.

Generally, this problem occurs when there are prolonged periods of rest or inactivity, which often interrupts the period of sleep during the night.

Its exact cause is unknown, but it has been related to genetic factors, nutritional deficiencies and imbalances in the activity of some hormones.

Although its outlook is uncertain, today there are therapies and remedies that can help control it so that it does not affect the quality of life. In this opportunity, we want to review some of its causes and six methods of natural origin that are useful for its treatment.

Causes of restless legs syndrome

As we have already indicated, so far there is no exact cause to explain restless legs syndrome. One of the hypotheses suggests that it may be caused by an imbalance of dopamine, a chemical in the brain that is responsible for sending messages to control muscle movement.

However, it is known that there is a greater risk of suffering from conditions or uncontrols such as:

  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Lack of iron.
  • Parkinson disease.
  • Diabetes.
  • Peripheral neuropathy.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Multiple sclerosis.

Symptoms of restless legs syndrome

restless legs

The irresistible urge to move your legs is what gives this condition its name. In addition to this manifestation, the problem can be accompanied by signs and symptoms such as:

  • Tingling or tingling sensation
  • Drag and crawl.
  • Itch.
  • Burning or pain
  • Palpitations or discomfort.
  • Tightness or pulling.

These symptoms may appear more often at night. They can be mild or they can go on for an hour and more. Sometimes they extend into the arms; likewise, they almost always decrease when the limbs are moved or stretched.

Methods to calm restless leg syndrome

Restless legs syndrome cannot be cured, since symptoms return from time to time. However, some therapies and lifestyle changes can help keep it under control.

1. Exercise


Sedentary people tend to have more complications from this problem. Therefore, to avoid crisis, the ideal is to adopt a routine of regular physical exercise. Physical activity helps improve blood circulation, strengthens muscles, and helps prevent problems such as fluid retention.

2. Wear socks

Wearing socks to sleep can help maintain a certain temperature in the feet, since the cold can awaken some symptoms of restless legs. Although its effects have not been proven, many say that it is a good trick to reduce the recurrence of this problem.

3. Manage stress


Although many think it has nothing to do with it, continuous exposure to stressful situations can trigger restless legs syndrome crises. This emotional state involves sudden changes in hormonal activity, blood circulation and other important processes in the body.

For all this, it is highly advisable to practice relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation as a way to facilitate its control.

4. Use hot and cold compresses

Therapy with hot and cold compresses is an interesting option to reduce the tingling, tension and the sensation of itching that is produced by this disorder.

The compresses are applied alternately: first hot and then cold. They should be left for several minutes to take effect and, later, the affected area is dried.

5. Do massage

Perform massages

The application of massage, even when there are no symptoms, can be very suitable to keep the legs relaxed and with active circulation.

These movements produce a heating effect that reduces muscle tension and prevents uncomfortable night cramps. To make them, soothing oils such as cypress, lavender or rosemary can be used.

6. Consume magnesium supplements

Magnesium deficiency has several consequences on muscle health. Often, patients with restless leg syndrome are deficient in this nutrient. Naturally, it can be obtained from foods such as:

  • Fish and shellfish.
  • Dried herbs.
  • Pumpkin seeds.
  • Cocoa powder.
  • Nuts.
  • Oat bran.
  • Green leafy vegetables.
  • Avocado or avocado.
  • It can also be purchased in supplements or in lotions for external use.

Facing Restless Leg Syndrome Symptoms? If so, take into account all the tips given and reduce them naturally.

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