Weight Loss With Raspberries

Raspberries can help lower the risk of heart attacks in women. This was demonstrated by a study from the Harvard School of Public Health. In it, it was shown that sustained consumption can reduce the risk of a heart attack by 32% in young and middle-aged women.

This is because flavonoids and polyphenols prevent the accumulation of platelets and the reduction of blood pressure through anti-inflammatory mechanisms. In addition, these fruits have the ability to stimulate weight loss. We’ll tell you then.

Add raspberries to your diet

A cup of raspberries has only 64 calories. It contains one third of the daily fiber requirement for an adult. Note that fiber has been shown to increase satiety, reducing the risk of snacking on unhealthy foods between meals.

In addition, it contains 14.7 grams of carbohydrates and 1.5 grams of protein. In this way, along with its natural sweetness, it reduces the percentage of cravings during the day. Now, a diet completely based on raspberries would mean consuming 90 tons a day of them. For this reason, a new method to lose weight has been put into practice: raspberry ketones.

Read: Types of fibers that most help the microbiota

Raspberries, red berries

Raspberry ketones

Adiponectin can speed up metabolism and increase the ability to burn more fat in less time. It is the hormone whose synthesis is stimulated from the ketones in raspberries. In fact, people who are thinner have higher levels of the hormone compared to those who are overweight. This is evidenced by a study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.

Thus, it regulates fatty acids and glucose helping to lose weight. Along with this, it can help establish a normal metabolism. Thus, it helps to avoid diseases such as type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity.

Ketones can work as a supplement and have worked in different places in the UK, US and Canada. These consist of organic compounds with the same aroma of raspberry. However, there are some imitations that are not effective.

Although studies have been done, some specialists are not completely convinced of the ability of ketones to help in the weight loss process. In this way, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases recommends before consuming any food or ingesting any product to lose weight such as supplements and, in this case, raspberry ketones, consult your doctor.

In addition, nutritionists suggest not forgetting to have a completely healthy diet with a lifestyle that includes exercises or a recommended percentage of physical activity.

Raspberry benefits

Breakfast raspberries.

Raspberry ketones, like blueberries and strawberries, can lower the risk of heart attacks, especially in women. This is mainly due, as already mentioned, to its large amount of flavonoids. They help to dilate the arteries, among other contributions that favor the cardiovascular system. There is scientific evidence about its health benefits.

The benefits of raspberries are also due, in large part, to their anthocyanin content . They help protect the tissue that lines the inside of blood vessels, thanks to their antioxidant action. Other benefits include …

Use it for arthritis

Raspberries can help fight inflammatory conditions. In this way, they can be useful against gout and arthritis.

Some researchers suggest that the pigments that give the berry its color produce the fruit’s many anti-inflammatory benefits. In this way, if you want to obtain this specific result, you should blend the raspberries with pure fruit juice. Then they must be heated to obtain an infusion that can be applied to lean meat or chicken.

Source of antioxidants and cancer prevention

Due to the large amount of antioxidants they have, they can help reduce the risk of contracting cancer by eliminating free radicals in the body. In addition, it gives the possibility of reducing aging.

Ellagic acid can help kill some cancer cells. In this way, it contributes to the fight against lung, liver, colon, skin, esophagus and tongue cancer.

Minerals and vitamins

Just one cup of raspberries has many vitamins and minerals that help build a healthy body. Among them are:

  • The 31 milligrams of calcium that strengthen and develop bones.
  • Folic acid that helps restrict developmental defects in newborns.
  • The 186 milligrams of potassium that help maintain a stable and healthy blood pressure.
  • The carotenoids or plant pigments, zeaxanthin and lutein, help control macular degeneration. The latter consists mainly of an eye disease whose main consequence is loss of vision.

Include raspberries in the usual diet

Do you already include raspberries in your diet? As you just noticed, it is a food with many beneficial nutrients for the body. In general, it is very low in calories and provides important antioxidants and vitamins and minerals.

Therefore, it is a good option to supplement the diet to lose weight. Although it cannot eliminate fat by itself, it is ideal for obtaining better results when it comes to losing weight. 

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