Children’s Lie: What To Do If My Child Lies

As parents, we must teach our little ones to tell the truth. To do this, the first thing we must do is be the example. Contact your child and find a solution to the problem.

“Children always tell the truth” is one of the phrases that we have heard the most about children; Yes, it is so, children rarely keep things.  However, there are times when childish lies are responsible for our concerns. How to handle it? How can we prevent our child from lying? Keep reading.

Some specialists indicate that from the age of four, the child understands that his parents hide certain things; e sta situation makes the child think that it ‘s okay to hide in some situations, when it is not. It is imperative that as parents we evaluate how often we hide things from our child or others when he is present.

Should you worry about a childish lie?

There is a saying that lies are like a snowball: they start small and grow as time goes by. Therefore, it is important that you advise your child and teach him that being an honest child will make trust and therefore the relationship with others more solid.

Different specialists in psychology indicate that the right to secrecy is part of the construction of identity, but we must teach them that sometimes it is necessary not to hide things. Of course, parenting and example are very important points .

According to the severity of the lie

You must identify in which cases the lie is serious or not. Infantile lying, of any size, causes concern in parents. Although it is a completely normal process, it is necessary to evaluate by observing when the child is lying.

If you lie while playing or with friends, it can be understood as using your imagination and creativity during leisure time. For example, if the child says “my dad bought a new car” while playing games with his friends, it is not to worry. On the other hand, if he resorts to lying to avoid school or domestic responsibilities, it is a behavior to which you should pay close attention.

According to the frequency of the lie

When the child frequently resorts to lying in different aspects of his life, much emphasis should be placed on this behavior. Offering false answers for all situations becomes a systematic and pathological act.  If not treated in time, this attitude can become a problem for family dynamics.

Ideally, if children’s lies flood the home, make use of specialized psychological help. These therapies can help you discover the root of the problem and diagnose why the child is lying frequently . Child mythomania can hide sensitive problems such as bullying, abuse, or mistreatment. The ideal is to attack the problem from the moment it begins to appear.

What to do to avoid child lies?

This behavior can be difficult for parents, but not impossible to fix. The most important factor in these situations is communication. It is essential that the parent-child relationship is as transparent as possible, the privacy of each party must be respected since trust must be cultivated and not forced.

1. Be an example: always tell the truth

Babies learn to speak through repetition and imitation. As they grow, they will repeat the attitudes they see at home.

Children tend to repeat the behaviors and attitudes of their parents, therefore it is essential that you build a transparent and trusting environment within the home. The best way to teach them is by doing.

2. Explain how lying can destroy trust.

Lies are trust eaters. This is how you should introduce him to your little one, explain that lying, no matter what the reason, will make his friends and family doubt his word.

In the market there are different literary materials that you can use to help reinforce your child’s honesty . Make him understand that, within the family environment and in life in general, the word has an indefinable value.

Mother explaining to her daughter that lying is wrong

3. Teach him to assume his responsibilities

Most of the times a child resorts to lies it is to avoid responsibility . If you say you have no homework to go to play, when in fact you do, it is clear that you are running away from responsibility.

It is important that the child knows how to identify priorities. Teach him that there are certain responsibilities, like school, that should come first on the to-do list. When you finish your homework, you can have fun; Likewise, the child must see that at home the domestic duties are taken care of primarily and then the entertainment comes.

4. Maintain good communication

Parents of the 21st century must adapt to the speed at which children assimilate and begin to understand the environment around them. How? Well, the first step is to build transparent communication.

Ask him how his day at school was, review his assignments with him and share a snack while he tells you about an experience in his favorite class. In addition to strengthening the family bond, these moments will make your child discover you as a friend.

5. Be understanding when she tells you a problem

We know how difficult it can be, but you must put aside the role of mother, and be a friend. Listen carefully to the reasons why your child lied to you;  When he finishes speaking, he proceeds to explain the importance of being honest throughout life.

If the childish lie is very serious, establish a small but firm punishment. For example, if your son is passionate about playing soccer, he will not be able to train for a week; This way they will understand that, although you can listen and be understanding, lying is not a valid option.

6. Make him feel supported

Children always try to escape difficult situations, which are not easy for them to solve. One source of lies can be an irregular moment in your routine.

Bullying, abuse or uncomfortable family situations can result in a liar child, who presents false arguments to avoid problems or try to have a fictitious peace of mind.

It is important that your child feels comfortable with the relationship between him and you as parents, so that he feels support in difficult times and does not choose to omit information.


As your child grows, he will develop autonomy to define what is correct and what is not;  Therefore, you should not panic when you discover a childish lie, because you will create a tense situation at home whenever the child hides something and it will end up making the situation worse.

Cultivating trust in him is essential for the development of family life. Trust your instincts as a mother and your ability to set a good example, your child will recognize it.

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